item. Naval Air Stations carry these items in the Stores
for APA and interim support items will have a Demand
Account 55000 (W or L purpose) during the interim
code N, Advice code 5D, and Fund code Y6. Submit
period. Afloat activities carry these items in the
requisitions for APA and interim support DLRs to the
Statistical Stores Account with APA items. The
proper inventory control points (ICP) via normal
contractor issues interim support items to users
requisitioning transmission mode. Refer to appendix
without charge.
18 of NAVSUP P-485 for a list of cognizant inventory
REQUISITIONING.--Requisitioning an NSA
DLR requires a financial obligation of End-User funds.
During the AVCAL/SHORCAL process, initial
H ow eve r, r e - o r d e r r e p l e n i s h m e n t o n Av i a t i o n
outfitting of Maintenance Assist Modules (MAM) and
Consolidated Allowance List (AVCAL) requisitions
Test Bench Installation (TBI) items are identified.
for activities under End-User procedures do not
These items are not part of the AVCAL/SHORCAL
require financial obligations. Draw-down requisitions
fixed allowance or carried in the supply officer's stock
for initial or increased AVCAL allowances for 7_ Cog
records. NAVICP will push the initial outfitting
AVDLR are chargeable to central outfitting funds held
requirements for these items to the operating sites.
by the NAVICP. The price obligated is Net Price when
Upon receipt of these items, the supply officer will
an exchange turn-in is or will be made, or Standard
assign custody of MAM and TBI items to the IMA.
Price if there is no turn-in. APA and Interim Support
DLRs are requisitioned at Standard Price, but do not
CARCASS TURN-INS.--Turn-in of non-RFI
require a financial obligation. Requisitions for APA
AVDLR as a result of an issue transaction must have
and Interim Support DLRs do not result in an
the same attention as requisitioning the replenishment.
expenditure of End-Use funds. Prepare requisitions for
In automated activities, posting of issue transactions
AVDLR according to MILSTRIP. An Advice code is a
for AVDLR occurs after a completed BCM action by
mandatory entry for requisitioning AVDLR items.
the IMA. To prevent spending excessive time in
research, you must start carcass tracking upon receipt
of the requisition from the customer. Delays in carcass
outfitted according to the Aviation Consolidated
turn-in affects readiness because of the decrease in
Allowance List (AVCAL). The AVCAL is a document
asset availability. The delay can also result in a charge
that lists the authorized items and quantities of
for the carcass value against the OPTAR or operating
aeronautical material for stock. Ships use these items
to support operations of embarked aircraft. The
budget of the activity. The carcass value is the
AVCAL is tailored for each ship, and the items selected
difference between the Net Price and Standard Price.
apply to each type of embarked aircraft.
Inventory control points maintain a master carcass
Before each deployment, ships will receive a new
tracking record for items under their cognizance.
AVCAL for review. The NAVICP convenes the
NAVICP maintains carcass tracking records for 7R
AVCAL Quality Review Conference (AQRC) for
items. The record contains transactions received from
negotiating site allowance requirements. During the
activities about the issue/receipt of AVDLR that
AQRC, the NAVICP makes adjustments to the
requires a turn-in. The ICP uses this record to monitor
preliminary requirement level to reflect the negotiated
the turn-in of carcasses as an exchange for the RFI
allowance. The final AVCAL product released to the
issue. The ICP also uses the carcass tracking record to
applicable activity includes all authorized changes to
determine whether to send a follow-up action or
the range and depth. Activities update the fixed
additional billing to activities.
allowance levels in stock records by using the
Applicable transactions in the carcass tracking
p r o c e d u r e s f o r p r o c e s s i n g A l l owa n c e C h a n g e
record involve several types of document identifiers.
Request-Fixed (ACR-F). The ACR-F is a tool used by
The SK responsible for carcass tracking should be
the Fleet to revise the authorized allowance level. The
Fleet can use the ACR-F for requesting additions or
familiar with these document identifiers. Read as
decreases to the allowance quantity.
Document identifier AO_ is a record of the
Before the work-up, ships submit requisitions for
initial or increases in allowances of "R" Cog items to
NAVICP. Unless otherwise directed, requisitions for
Document identifier A4_ is for the referral
7R Cog items will have a Demand code N, Signal code
C, Fund code QZ, and Advice code 5D. Requisitions