these reports when conducting an audit trail for a
NAVSO P-3013-2, describes OPTAR accounting and
reporting procedures.
specific item or document number.
Stock control is responsible for the inventory
An update is the processing of collected
control and management of all stock items in the
transactions or information into the computer system.
custody of the supply officer. These are items located
The process includes inputting information to the
in the supply department spaces or under the custody of
system tape files, which allows the system to produce a
other departments. Stock control processes all
report or printout. Stock control manages the update by
requisitions submitted manually or electronically by
specifying what input documents should be processed
the computer. Stock control posts transactions, such as
first. Stock control does this by submitting a request for
receipts, issues, surveys, and inventory adjustments.
update to the systems coordinator, together with
Stock control also prepares and submits financial
requests for specific reports and other output.
reports and maintains various files. This includes the
Computer systems with real-time capability update
manual and mechanized output files. Stock control
records automatically when customers enter
personnel encode input documents and check codes
transactions in the computer.
inserted by other personnel in the supply department.
Stock records are normally updated monthly based
Stock control also prepares requests for reports and
on change notice management information provided
listings and interprets computer output data. It is clear
by NAVICP. A complete reconciliation of stock record
data should be accomplished with NAVICP once a
product will be no better than the accuracy and
year. Each fiscal year, a unit price change tape will be
received from NAVICP to update the unit price
information in the stock records. The unit price change
tape normally has an effective date of 1 October.
Stock control personnel act to facilitate paperwork
flow while accommodating computer requirements
within SUADPS constraints to perform the supply
Stock control is responsible for buying material for
functions described in the following paragraphs.
the ship and embarked squadrons. This includes
submitting requisitions for stock, as well as DTO
requisitions for embarked aviation squadrons and
ship's departments.
Stock control maintains mechanized and manual
files. Refer to the SUADPS-RT Support Procedures for
Stock replenishment policy afloat includes the
lists of mechanized files. The following paragraphs
computation of demand quantity during the past 6-, 9-,
describe some of the manual files maintained by stock
or 12-month period. Use the endurance table in chapter
6 of NAVSUP P-485 to adjust the high limit, low limit,
and safety level. When using the endurance table,
The Stock Control History File contains a copy of
determine the proper order and shipping time (O&ST)
transaction documents, such as issues, off-ship
before selecting the high/low limit for SIM items. The
requisitions, change notices, and receipts. The material
authorized O&ST are as follows:
completed file contains the copy of completed
procurement documents submitted by ship
0 (zero) days for deployed and non-deployed
departments. The receipt file contains a copy of all
ships when items are readily available in
signed shipping documents used to process the receipt
SERVMART or tending ship throughout the
following quarter.
The Data Processing History File consists of all
30 days for non-deployed ships in the United
computer-generated listings or documents used for
States, excluding Alaska and Hawaii. It is also 30
updating the records.
days for deployed ships when the items are
Stock control also maintains copies of reports
available from stock points in Alaska, Hawaii,
generated by the computer system. Stock control uses
and outside the United States or from Combat