discrepancy. Contingent upon the extended dollar
government p r o p e r t y. A l s o , i t d e t e r m i n e s t h e
procedure for establishing personal responsibility (if
value or type of item involved, a causative research
a n y ) a n d d o c u m e n t i n g n e c e s s a r y i nv e n t o r y
must be conducted to determine the cause of the
adjustments to stock records. The form used for survey
physical inventory adjustment.
is the Financial Liability Investigation of Property
Loss, DD Form 200. The purpose of the form is to
report the facts and circumstances supporting the
Research action is not required when it is the
assessment of financial charges for the loss, damage, or
opinion of the commanding officer or a designated
destruction of DOD-controlled property.
representative that negligence is not indicated in the
Even with the physical security and quality control
loss, damage, or destruction of government property.
established by activities to take care of government
Also if for reasons known to the commanding officer,
property, discrepancies occur. The discrepancy may be
negligence, or responsibility cannot be determined and
between stock or property book balances and the
research under those conditions would constitute an
physical status of material in storage. The discre-
unnecessary administrative burden. Research action is
pancies are subject to review/approval thresholds, as
not usually required when an individual accepts
described by their applicable category. The categories
responsibility for loss, damage, or destruction of
are supply system stock or property book material. The
government property. At the discretion of the
NAVSUPINST 4440.115 (series) provides procedures
commanding officer or a designated representative,
for processing the DD Form 200. See figures 5-11 and
investigative reports required by other appropriate
DOD component regulations may be used in lieu of
All items with discrepancies are subject to survey
research procedures prescribed in the NAVSUP P-485
report procedures. The only exception is incoming
under the following circumstances:
shipments that can be attributed to shipper or carrier
liability. In which case, a Supply Discrepancy Report
1. There is no death nor personal injury involved.
(SDR) (Standard Form 364) must be submitted. For
2. The total property damage does not exceed
more information, consult NAVSUPINST 4440.179
(series) or NAVSUP P-485.
3. T h e r e i s n o p o s s i b l e c l a i m a g a i n s t t h e
Initial Requests
Action by the Appointing
Either the accountable or responsible person will
initiate the DD Form 200.
The appointing authority is usually the
When circumstances warrant, such as when there
commanding officer, designee, or officer in the chain
is an indication of criminal action or gross negligence,
of command with jurisdiction over the individual
the commanding officer or the CO's designee may
having custodial responsibility for the property
appoint a surveying officer or survey board. Refer to
the NAVSUP P-485 for Survey Board procedures.
For detailed instructions concerning the
Survey Criteria
preparation and submission of the Supply Discrepancy
If the discrepancy between the records and
Report (SDR), refer to the NAVSUP P-485.
physical status of material is due to paperwork error,
make the proper transaction to adjust and correct it.
Distribution of DD Form 200
You must ensure proper processing of transactions
when you make the corrections. These are resolved
After the final action, distribute copies of DD Form
discrepancies and do not need a DD Form 200.
200 according to the following texts.
Unresolved discrepancies that do not meet the
ORIGINAL.--The activity retains the original
criteria for submitting DD Form 200 must be corrected
copy with all the attachments, except when needed by
by inventory adjustments. A DD Form 200 is not
higher authority.
required to substantiate the inventory adjustment. The
DUPLICATE.--This copy is returned to the
stock record will be adjusted with inventory gain or
proper property officer to replace the quadruplicate
loss when the preliminary research fails to resolve the