S y s t e m s C o m m a n d ( N AVA I R ) a n d a i r t y p e
Activities may include other information on the
document when transferring aviation depot-level
repairable (AVDLR) material. This information may
The document used for shipping aircraft engines is
include the job control number (JCN), part number,
DD Form 1348-1. With MILSTRIP data, the document
serial number, and family group code. Refer to
also must include the type, model, serial number, and
NAVSUP P-545 or NAVSUP P485, chapter 5, for the
condition of the engine.
procedures in transferring depot-level repairable
(DLR) items.
Transfer of Aviation Fuel
Material is normally turned in became it is in
excess, unserviceable mandatory turn-in repairable,
ships with AVCAL accounts use DD Form 1348 to
preservation required salvage, or disposal. The supply
document the transaction. The document must cite the
officer must approve each transfer. Credit for excess
special Accounting Class 207 NSA fund code. The
material turned in will be granted to the appropriate
SUADPS system will treat the transfer as an Other
TYCOM operating budget in accordance with the
Supply Officer (OSO) transaction.
credit policy of the inventory manager. An example of
a DD Forn 1348-1 used for turn-into store ashore is
Transfers from ships with AVCAL accounts to
shown in figure 5-10. The distribution instructions for
ships without AVCAL accounts can be documented on
the DD Form 1348-1 used for turn-in to store ashore
DD Forms 1149, 1348, or 1348-1.
are found m the NAVSUP P-485.
Transfer of aviation fuel to shore activities
(offload) is documented on an unpriced DD Form
Identification of Turn-In Material
1149. The transaction is not summarized but must be
reported according to NAVSO P-3013-2.
Material turned in to store ashore must be
identified, tagged, and marked accurately. This allows
NAVSUP P-485 provides specific instructions
the receiving activity to process and grant credit, when
covering the transfer of fuel from ship to ashore
applicable. Ships must follow the procedures outlined
activities and transfer of aviation fuels. Transfers or
in NAVSUP P-485 when identifying material for
losses of bulk propulsion fuel from tankers are
turn-in to stores ashore.
expended in accordance with fleet or type commander
and Military Sealift Command instructions.
Accounting for Turn-Ins
Transfer of Special Clothing
Accounting for material turned in to store ashore
from non-stock funded ships is performed by ashore
Transfer of special clothing to other ships needs
activities. Summaries are not required. Transfers
approval from the commanding officer. Ships can
should not recorded in the ship's OPTAR Log.
transfer special clothing to a shore activity only when
Although turn-ins of material to store ashore have no
the on-hand quantity is in excess of the authorized
impact on the transferring ship's OPTAR, large dollar
allowance. The documentation used for transferring
value transfers may be used as a basis for requesting an
special clothing is DD Form 1348-1.
OPTAR augmentation from the type commander.
Transfer of Aircraft Engines
Transfer of aircraft engines from the custody of a
The term "mandatory turn-in repairable items"
reporting custodian to another activity requires
describes all material listed the Master Repairable
submitting a report. See procedures described in
Item List (MRIL) and fleet ballistic missile master
NAVAIRINST 13700.15 (series). The Aircraft Engine
repair list (FBMMRL) which are coded for return to
Management System (AEMS) allows the use of an
the supply system when unserviceable and not locally
on-line computer terminal for submitting reports on
aircraft engines. The AEMS terminal also allows
retrieval of information on specific engines. AEMS
MTR items are listed on the MRIL and FBMMRL.
They are provided to assist in the identification of
provides accurate and timely data to Naval Air