Attach a copy of the issue document to the
transaction and the second to process the substitute
Line out the requested quantity on the first
Deliver the issue document to the customer
document. Then, enter and circle the issued quantity
contact point.
above the original quantity.
For standard pack adjustment, the following
Mark the first issue document with PARTIAL NIS
procedures apply:
Adjust the issue quantity to match the standard
Prepare the second document by duplicating all
pack of the item; line out the requested quantity.
entries from the first except the NSN, unit of issue, and
Enter and circle the issued quantity on the issue
quantity. Enter new document number and the unit of
issue and quantity of the substitute item.
Mark the issue document with the words
Sign both documents and move material to the
issue staging area. Put the staging area location on the
issue document.
Sign the issue document and move material to
Attach a copy of the issue document to the
staging area. Mark the location of the staging
area on the issue document.
Deliver the issue document to the customer contact
Attach a copy of the issue document to the
The partial substitute issue transaction can fill part
Deliver the issue document to the customer
of the requested quantity if an acceptable substitute is
contact point.
available. To process the issue, line out the requested
quantity and stock number. Then, enter the issued NSN
For partial NIS issue, the following applies:
and quantity on the issue document. Process the issue
When issuing partial quantity and no
document in the same manner as the partial NIS issue.
substitute is available, line out the
Refer back to figure 5-4 for a sample of a substitute
r e q u e s t e d q u a n t i t y. E n t e r a n d c i r c l e t h e
issue document.
issued quantity on the document.
The substitute issue transaction is the process of
Sign the issue document and move the
filling the request by an acceptable substitute. To
material to the issue staging area. Enter the
process the requisition, line out the stock number
staging area location on the issue document.
originally requested. Then, enter the stock number
issued and circle the quantity. The issue document is
Attach a copy of the issue document on the
processed the same as complete issue as described in
previous text.
Deliver the issue document to the customer
The next step in off-line processing is the material
contact point.
turnover. This process involves material delivery or
Inform the customer of the partial issue
pickup from the staging area. Upon turnover of
action, and determine the requirement for
material, the customer must sign and enter the current
the remaining quantity.
date on the issue document. The supply representative
forwards the signed issue document to the S/LSC or
Mark the issue document with PARTIAL
SRS for further processing and filing.
The last step in off-line processing is the post-post
issue processing The S/LSC or SRS uses the issue
For partial NIS, substitute issue, the following
document to update the records in the computer. After
receiving the signed copy of the issue document, the
S/LSC or SRS discards the suspense copy in the issue
In this situation, a partial quantity is available for
pending file (manual). The S/LSC or SRS retains the
issue and a substitute is available for the balance. This
completed issue document in the transaction holding
process involves two separate issue documents. The
file until the computer is ready for use. When the
original document to process the partial issue