CARCASS--A not ready for issue (NRFI) repairable
assigned for the purpose of relieving deployed
component that requires turn-in to a repair facility
fleet units from direct dependency on shore bases
or designated overhaul point.
for supply support. To accomplish this, the CLF
CARGO OFFICER--An individual designated by
provides items of known military essentiality and
the supply officer to be responsible for receiving,
those in greatest demand by deployed fleet units.
inventorying, storing, issuing, offloading, and
staging all material, as well as ensuring the
operating procedures to be followed when the
material condition and security of all cargo holds
ship's store retail outlet and bulk storerooms are
and storerooms. The responsibility of the cargo
operated by the same person.
officer may vary at the discretion of the supply
officer or type commander. (Cargo officer is
CONSIGNEE--The activity or person designated to
assigned on AFS ships only.)
receive the shipment of material.
CARGO--Items of supplies, materials, stores,
CONSIGNOR--The activity or person shipping the
baggage, or equipment (gear) that are transported
material. The consignor enters into the bill of
lading contract with the carrier.
as freight. This is in contrast to those items that are
transported as part of passenger movements.
(CRIPL)--A microfiche publication
CARRIED ITEMS--Stocked items on which the
identifying those intermediate level (I-level) and
supply department maintains stock records
d e p o t l eve l ( D - l eve l ) r e p a i r a b l e t h a t a r e
showing current on-hand stock balances.
authorized to remain in an aircraft until a
CARRIER--This term includes railroads, small
serviceable item is received from supply.
parcel carriers, freight forwarders, motor carriers,
CONSUMABLES--Items not specifically
barge and steamship carriers, air carriers, pipeline
designated as equipage or repair parts. Examples
companies, and the Navy's all cargo contract airlift
are administrative and housekeeping items,
common tools, paints, cognizance symbol 1I
forms. When material is to be used for
system for requisitioning emergency replacement
accomplishing maintenance actions, it is
parts for equipment or components out of
considered consumable for procurement
commission that are essential to the ship's
mission. Requisitions submitted for a CASREP
CONTRACT CARRIER--Under U.S. law, a person
requirement are identified by a W in the first
or company other than a common carrier who,
position of the serial number of the document
u n d e r s p e c i a l a n d i n d iv i d u a l c o n t r a c t s o r
agreements, transports passengers or property for
C A U S AT I V E R E S E A R C H -- A n i n - d e p t h
investigation of specific physical inventory
C O N T R AC TO R P RO G R A M S -- M a i n t e n a n c e
discrepancies to determine why they occurred so
programs associated with support commercial
corrective action can be taken. This consists of a
derivative Navy aircraft where Navy personnel
complete review of all transactions, locations
perform the organizational level maintenance
updates, previous adjustments, and suspended or
with limited intermediate level effort. The
erroneous documentation within the allowable
contractor issues RFI components and provides
look-back period (normally 365 days).
limited diagnostic assistance.
w h i c h a n ex p e n d i t u r e r e p r e s e n t s a c o s t o f
LIST (COSAL)--Contains nomenclature and
nameplate data on equipment, identification data
for repair parts, and designates the allowance of
repair parts to be stocked in supply storerooms.
two-character symbol that designates the stores
account in which a type of material is carried and
COST CODE--A 12 digit number to classify
the responsible inventory control point.
accounting transactions by providing the julian