aircrew members and aircraft passengers to
APPROVING OFFICIAL--The individual who
function within all parameters of the flight
approves or disapproves the report of survey and
makes a determination to relieve all concerned
environment, to egress safely from disabled
from responsibility and/or accountability or to
aircraft and descend to the surface, and to survive
approve assessment of financial liability. The
on land and water until rescue forces arrive.
approving official appoints the survey officer in
writing. The approving official's responsibility
exists when an item has been received by a supply
cannot be delegated and must remain with the
activity but has not been inducted into the
commanding officer when there is evidence of
maintenance cycle for test/check/repair.
personal responsibility or the adjustment
involves classified or sensitive items, arms,
BACKORDER--A requisition that cannot be filled
by the supply activity from current stock that is
being held until additional stock is received.
ASSEMBLY--When repairables are returned from
the user for shipment to the designated overhaul
BAR CODE--A method of labeling material that
point (DOP), you must sort out and tally the weight
provides for automated data collection for
of items to be packaged or that are already unit
processing material receipts, issue transactions, and
packaged. This is the ASSEMBLY process. It is at
inventory of stowed materials. The labels consist of
this point that light and fragile items are segregated
a series of vertical lines and spaces that provide
from heavy, rugged items and that the type of
coded information. These codes are read and
packaging necessary for each is determined.
interpreted by special scanning equipment referred
to as Logistics Applications of Automated Marking
AUDIT--A periodic evaluation of detailed plans,
and Reading Symbols (LOGMARS).
policies, procedures, products, directives, and
records as applied to a Quality Assurance Program.
BILL OF LADING--A document that acknowledges
receipt of material by a commercial carrier. It serves as a
The activity designated to perform allotment
contract between the shipping activity (U.S. Govern-
accounting for a ship or another activity. Allotment
ment) and the carrier for carriage of the material.
accounting does not include OPTAR accounting.
A U T O M AT E D A C T I V I T I E S -- A c t i v i t i e s
(BPA)--A simplified procedure of establishing
equipped with an Electronic Digital Computer
charge accounts with qualified sources of supply
(EDC) system for processing supply and
to cover anticipated small purchases of the same
accounting documents and records.
general category.
AVAILABILITY PERIOD--A specific period of
BREAKOUT--The act of taking stock from bulk
time established by the type commander for the
storerooms for issue, transfer, or sale.
accomplishment of approved maintenance by a
B ROA D A R ROW -- A p r o g r a m t o i d e n t i f y a n
naval shipyard.
urgently required test bench hem. This program is
outlined in NAVSUPINST 5442.2.
of on hand material required to sustain operations
CAGE--Commerical and Government entity. A
for a period of time without augmentation. It is set
five-digit code assigned to manufacturers and
half-way between the safety level and stockage
suppliers for purposes of identification in various
objective. That is, the safety level plus one-half of
supply publications.
the operating level.
CANCELLATION--A total or partial discontinuance
of supply action requested by the requisitioner and
LIST--A consolidated listing of components,
confirmed by the supplier.
repair parts, and consumable items required for a
mobile activity (ashore or afloat) to perform
CARCASS VALUE--The value of the repairable
aviation organizational and intermediate level
N R F I c a r c a s s . T h i s va l u e i s e q u a l t o t h e
maintenance in support of assigned aircraft.
difference between the standard price and net
price. Example-standard price of ,000 less net
AV I AT I O N L I F E S U P P O RT S Y S T E M -- T h e
items of equipment and clothing needed to allow
price of ,000 equals carcass value of ,000.