contained in an APL, AEL, or similar list. Does
inventory control of the DOD and civil agencies of
not include mechanical, electrical, ordnance, or
the U.S. Government are named, described,
electronic equipments, components, or systems.
classified, and numbered.
Equipage items are identified with end use
applications aboard ships to the extent that an
obligation of an individual to reimburse the
allowed quantity of the item can be determined on
government for lost, damaged, or destroyed
an individual ship basis. Equipage items comprise
government property as a result of negligence or
the greater majority of items listed in the AELs and
Part IIIB of the COSAL. Chargeable items of
equipage are identified in procurement, receipt,
FISCAL YEAR--A 12-month period selected for
and consumption documents by the letter "E" in
accounting purposes. The government fiscal year
the second position of the applicable fund code
begins 1 October and ends 30 September of the
(See NAVSO P-3013).
following calendar year.
FOLLOW-UP--An inquiry to the last known holder
making sure that equipment descriptions shown on
of a requisition made by the requisitioner as to the
the allowance lists agree with the nameplate data
action taken on that requisition.
on the installed equipment. This procedure
usually begins at least 6 months before the ship
Roman numeral designator that relates to the
arrives at a shipyard for the supply availability.
military mission of the force or activity.
EQUIPMENT--Any functional unit of hull,
mechanical, electrical, ordnance, or electronic
type material operated singly or as a component
times that an item is requested during a specific
of a system or subsystem and identified by a
period of time regardless of the quantity
c o m p o n e n t i d e n t i fi c a t i o n n u m b e r ( C I D ) ,
requested or issued.
numerical control code (NCC), allowance parts
FSC--Federal Supply Classification. The first four
list (APL), or similar designation.
digits of the NSN that indicates the group and
EQUIVALENT ITEM--An item similar to another
class of an item. Use of the FSC permits placing
item to the extent that its characteristics are in
all material in categories by use and
strict accordance with drawings, specifications,
standards, and performance qualification tests
FUND CODE--A two-character code used to cite the
within limits or tolerances specified therein.
appropriate accounting data on requisitions.
EXCEPTION STATUS--Any supply action taken on
FUND--A segregated sum of money or other resource
a requisition other than issue of material in the
to be expended or used for specified purposes.
quantity requested.
E X P E D I T I O U S R E PA I R ( E X R E P ) -- T h e
transportation contract between a commercial
removal of a component from an aircraft or
equipment, expedited delivery, and immediate
carrier and the U.S. Government. The Standard
Form 1103 provides delivery instructions to the
e a r l i e s t r e t u r n t o t h e c u s t o m e r. E X R E P i s
carrier while the Standard Form 1103B serves as
normally used when a replacement for stock is
a receipt document for the consignee.
not available.
GROSS WEIGHT--The combined weight of a
EXPENDITURE--Any act that results in a decrease
container and its contents including packing
in Navy assets (material or funds).
that is no longer available for obligation but is still
SYSTEM (HMIS)--A system that provides
accurate, complete information to both fleet and
shore personnel on the procurement, use,
transportation, handling, storage, and disposal
of hazardous materials.
system under which all items under centralized