only keypunch facilities are considered to be
individual no longer requires it, transfers to
another command, or is separated.
NON-SIM ITEM--An item that does not have
sufficient demand frequency to qualify as a SIM
A transfer of Navy Stock Fund material between
two accountable officers.
NOT CARRIED (NC) ITEMS--Synonymous with
the term nonstocked material. Items that are not
for which not all requested material has been
stocked (i.e., items for which the supply
department does not maintain stock records
PACKAGING--The application of wrappings,
showing current on-hand stock balances).
NOT IN STOCK (NIS) ITEMS--Carried items that
depending on the type of load and level of
are on board when a demand occurs.
protection required. This does not include the
exterior shipping container. Packaging is used to
OPERATING LEVEL--The quantity of material
prevent loss or damage from physical hazards.
(exclusive of safety level) needed to sustain
Afloat, items should be packaged individually,
operations during the time between two successive
limiting the weight to 20 pounds when possible.
requisitions. Normally, it is the quantity between
the requisitioning objective (high limit) and the
PALLET--A low wooden or steel wire platform on
reorder point (low limit).
which unit loads can be loaded and moved by fork
trucks, cargo nets, or other materials-handling
OPERATING SPACE ITEMS--Items required in
shipboard operating spaces (e.g., shipfitter shop,
electrical shop, laundry, etc.). These items are not
PALLETIZING--The placement of banding, when
recorded in stock records and are not under control
necessary, on units or shipping containers of
of the supply office. Management of operating
material on pallets.
space items is vested in the department heads who
P E AC E T I M E O P E R AT I N G S T O C K ( P O S )
control the operating spaces where they are
ITEM--Synonymous with the term demand-
located. The COSAL has a consolidated list of
based item. A term used by automated ships to
operating space items for the guidance of
identify items that have a relatively high issue rate.
department heads. These items generally are
Normally, an item that has a demand frequency of
equipage-type items or specific equipment-related
two or more in a period of 6 months and continues
c o n s u m a b l e s m a i n t a i n e d u n d e r i n d iv i d u a l
to have at least one demand every 6 months
department head custody. The nuclear weapons
thereafter is a POS item. It is the equivalent criteria
segment of the COSAL also includes general-use
of SIM items for nonautomated ships. The
consumables for which backup material may be
quantity of a POS item is that portion of the
stocked by the supply department when supply
requisitioning objective that supplements the
department stowage space is adequate.
allowance and/or load list quantity(ies). If a POS
item is not an allowance or load list item, the entire
Target. Obligation authority, which is granted by
q u a n t i t y o f t h e r e q u i s i t i o n i n g o b j e c t ive i s
type commanders to ships and commands under
considered to be POS. Semiannual review of stock
his control, to cite his allotment in procuring
records for POS items is required for
materials and services. Instructions and
recomputation of requisitioning objectives.
limitations are provided by each type commander.
P O R T O F D E B A R K AT I O N ( P O D ) -- T h e
authorized point of entry into a foreign country or
between the submission of a requisition and the
receipt of the material requisitioned (equivalent to
P O R T O F E M B A R K AT I O N ( P O E ) -- T h e
procurement lead time).
authorized point of departure from a foreign
country or CONUS.
Navy property issued on a loan basis to an
individual for use in the performance of official
items having a low unit cost ( or less) and
duties. This material is returned when the