a manufacturer's handbook. The COSAL lists
RETROGRADE--Any movement to the rear.
Material that is being returned to rear supply or
repair parts and equipment-related consumables
maintenance echelons away from the forward
normally stocked by the supply department.
REPAIRABLE ITEM--A component or item that
REVOLVING FUND--A fund established to carry
can be returned to an RFI condition by use of repair
out a cycle of operations. Such a fund is
parts or by overhaul.
replenished by earnings or is reimbursed by
REPAIRABLE--A component or part designated by
collections or by charges to other appropriations
the cognizant inventory manager as an item that
for such items as commodities furnished or
can be economically repaired when it becomes
services rendered.
unserviceable. These recoverable items represent
ROUTING IDENTIFIER--A three-digit code
a high monetary investment, and their availability
assigned to all supply support activities, other
is essential to fleet operations. Some of these items
ashore activities with supply departments, and
may be disposed of locally when they become
mechanized ships for the purpose of identifying
unserviceable and cannot be repaired by an
organizational or intermediate maintenance
activity. Mandatory turn-in repairables must be
SAFETY LEVEL--The quantity of material, in
addition to the operating level, required for
transferred to a designated depot level repair
continuous operations in the event of interruption
facility when they become unserviceable and
of normal replenishment or unpredictable
cannot be locally repaired.
fluctuations in issue demand.
REPLACEMENT ITEM--A different item supplied
as a spare or repair part in place of the originally
i nv e n t o r y c o n t r o l p r i n c i p l e w h i c h , i n
used part. Replacement items are not necessarily
nonautomated ships, focuses management
interchangeable with the items they replace.
attention on the small percentage of items that
experience the majority of onboard demands for
by Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR) Standard
material. Inventory management techniques that
Form 364
apply to repair parts and consumables designated
as SIM items in nonautomated ships are found in
the NAVSUP P-485.
quantity of material to be maintained on hand and
on order to sustain current operations. It includes
SERVICES--Nonmaterial requirements such as
the sum of stocks represented by operating level,
equipment, rental, commercial telephone, ferry
s a f e t y l eve l , a n d o r d e r a n d s h i p p i n g t i m e
tickets, or similar services authorized by proper
authority. For accounting purposes, documents for
(equivalent to "high limit").
services will indicate the appropriate fund code as
shown in NAVSO P-3013.
a p p o i n t e d t o e x e r c i s e c u s t o d y, c a r e , a n d
safekeeping of property. This may include
P RO C E S S I N G S Y S T E M - R E A L T I M E
financial liability for losses occurring because of
(SUADPS-RT)--SUADPS-RT refers to the entire
failure to exercise this obligation. For supply
group of supply and financial computer programs
system stock, the supply officer is normally
using the SNAP I system.
assigned this responsibility.
S I G NA L C O D E -- A s i n g l e - l e t t e r c o d e o n a
RETENTION LIMIT--The maximum quantity of an
MILSTRIP requisition that designates who is to
item authorized to be retained on board load
receive the material and who is to pay for it.
carrying ships. The retention limit consists of the
allowance and/or load list quantity(ies) (or the
SIM DTO ITEM--Any consumable item that meets
requisitioning objective for demand-based items),
the frequency of demand criteria for a SIM item
plus the economic retention quantity as authorized
but is not stocked by the supply department,
usually because of space limitations. Materials
supply that exceeds the retention limit is
received are issued immediately to the using
considered excess.