issue, but is recorded by the inventory manager or
NAT I O NA L S TO C K N U M B E R -- A 1 3 d i g i t
stock point as a commitment for future issue.
number assigned by Defense Logistic Agency to
identify an item of material in the supply
MCRL--Master Cross-Reference List. A conversion
distribution system in the United States.
list from reference to NSN.
MDCS--The Maintenance Data Collection System
Items of material that are not included in the
provides a method of accumulating data on labor
Federal Catalog System, but are stocked or
and material used in equipment maintenance.
monitored in the Navy supply system. NICNs are
MEDIA AND STATUS--A one-digit code assigned
13-character identification numbers assigned by
to MILSTRIP requisitions that indicates the type
ICPs or other Navy item managers for permanent
of status required and the activity to receive it.
or temporary control of selected non-NSN items
under their cognizance.
M I L I TA RY O R D I NA RY M A I L ( M O M ) -- A
special procedure approved by the U.S. Postal
NAVY STOCK ACCOUNT--Inventory of stores
Service for providing air transportation of official
purchased from the Navy Stock Fund that have not
fourth-class mail at a rate considerably cheaper
yet been expended to end-use.
than for priority mail. It may also be used for
NAVY STOCK FUND--Replaced by Navy Working
official second- and third-class mail if considered
Capital Fund.
essential to timely delivery.
NC--Not Carried. Material for which there is no
MILSTAMP--Military Standard Transportation and
storeroom allowance.
M ove m e n t P r o c e d u r e s . P r ov i d e s s t a n d a r d
NET UNIT PRICE--Price charged for a DLR when
procedures, forms, and language to be used by all
the carcass will be turned in. Net unit price
military services and other agencies using the
includes repair cost, replacement cost when item
DOD transportation system. This is accomplished
is BCM, and a surcharge.
by the use of uniform coded and noncoded data,
f o r m a t s , a n d p r o c e d u r e s . M I L S TA M P i s
NET WEIGHT--The total weight of an item. It does
promulgated by DOD Regulation 4500.32R.
not include the weight of the container or
packaging material.
MILSTRIP--Military Standard Requisitioning and
Issue Procedures that provide common forms and
NEXT HIGHER ASSEMBLY--Refers to the next
language for requisitions, issues, and transfers
higher assembly on or with which an item is used
within the Department of Defense.
as a subassembly, part, attachment, or accessory.
NIIN--National Item Identification Number. A
(MLSR)--A program that requires the reporting
nine-digit number assigned to a specific item of
of MLSR property valued at over 0, serialized
material for purposes of identification.
items valued at over 0, and all losses of arms,
NIS--Not In Stock. Material that is normally stocked
in the storeroom but the supply of which is
M O D U L A R C O N TA I N E R S -- A s e r i e s o f
temporarily exhausted.
specific-size containers so designed that they can
be arranged together like blocks in several patterns
transshipment point (does not perform validation
and form uniform palletized unit loads.
of part number/drawing to NSN). It may be
operated by freight agent (civilian contractor) or
CODE--A two-digit code included in the fifth
government personnel.
and sixth digits of a national stock number (NSN)
NON-ALLOWANCE ITEMS--Items that do not
or a NATO stock number. In an NSN, it identifies
appear in authorized allowance documents or, that
the United States as the country that assigned the
appear without an allowed quantity.
stock number. In a NATO stock number, it
identifies the NATO country that assigned the
NON-AUTOMATED SHIPS--Ships that do not
stock number or indicates that the stock number is
have EDC equipment for processing supply and
used by two or more countries.
accounting documents and records. Ships having