reimburse the Navy Management Fund for
TRUST FUND--A fund into which are deposited
receipts that are held in trust in accordance with an
shipment charges. They must be shown on all
agreement or legislative act and may be expended
government bills of lading (GBLs), transportation
only in accordance with the terms of such trust or
control and movement documents (TCMDs), and
other transportation documents that incur
obligations against the Navy Management Fund.
U N I T I D E N T I F I C AT I O N C O D E -- A s y m b o l
assigned by the Comptroller of the Navy to ships,
Regulation 4500.32R, Volume II.
aircraft units, stations, and other activities or units
for purposes of identification on all accounting
documents and reports.
(TCNs)--The basic element of the MILSTAMP
UNIT LOAD--Assembling of packages or items into
system. A number is assigned to each shipment
a single load, within a container, van, or palletized
unit as the shipment control from origin to
so it can be moved unbroken from the source to the
UNIT PACKAGE--The first tie, wrap, or container
that act as agents for the government in the
applied to a single item or a quantity, or to a group
execution of contracts of carriage between carriers
of items of a single stock number, that constitutes a
and the government. They initiate and receive
complete or identifiable package.
shipments of property for which the government
pays the transportation charges or in which the
USAGE DATA--Past experience figures showing the
government has an interest.
rate of issue for specific items of stock.