Distributes received parts and material to the
Notes for Figure 9-3
appropriate work center or work area.
1. Alphabetical blocks to be filled out by
requisitioner, if possible.
Obtains the signature of the work center
2. Numeric blocks to be completed by the supply
personnel receiving the material on the DD
Form 1348 pink copy and files the copy in the
3. Status block for joint use as deemed necessary
completed requisition file.
for local use.
Tu r n s i n d e f e c t iv e r e p a i r a b l e C R I P L
4. Form will be a two-part standard carbon.
components within 24 hours.
5. Copy one (original) will be filed by bureau
number in sections B, C, or D of the material control
board as applicable.
6. Copy two (carbon) will be displayed by
Instances will occur when the supply response
document number sequence in section E of the
section (SRS) delivers material that does not satisfy
material control board.
the intended maintenance action. This condition
arises when the wrong material is delivered, the
7. Copy two (carbon) not requisitioned against a
material was improperly marked, or the material is
particular bureau number may be discarded; copy one
determined to be not ready for issue (NRFI) on
in master register section E of the material control
receipt. When these instances occur, the following
board will suffice.
actions should be taken:
8. As bureau numbers are changed due to
Prepare a DD Form 1348-1 for turn-in using
cannibalization actions, pencil change will be
annotated on both copies and copy one will be shifted
to applicable bureau number.
Notify the SRS that the material is ready for
9. After receipt of material or cancellation, copies
one and two will be removed from visual display
register and discarded or filed as local procedures
Reorder the material, if required.
10. Heavy outlined blocks contain data necessary
Turn-In of Defective Components
for MILSTRIP requisition format (read top to bottom,
left to right).
Repairable material must be removed from an
aircraft and made available for turn-in when a
r e p l a c e m e n t i s r e q u e s t e d , u n l e s s s p e c i fi c a l l y
authorized to remain in place by the CRIPL.
When the replacement CRIPL item is received,
Upon receipt of material or parts, material control
turn-in of the old item must be made within 24 hours.
has the following responsibilities:
Supporting supply activities must strictly enforce the
Receives the material and DD Form 1348 (or
one-for-one exchange of repairable using the CRIPL
facsimile form) from the SSC material delivery
to identify the authorized exceptions.
All defective repairable components must be
Signs the DD Form 1348 hardback copy as a
wrapped with a cushioning material, such as cellular
receipt (yellow, green, and hardback for
plastic film (bubble wrap), PPC-C-795, class 1 or
class 2, for short-term protection of equipment from
handling and shock when the component is turned in
Enters the date and time the material is
to supply.
delivered to the specified delivery point on the
DD Form 1348 pink and hardback copies and in
Under no circumstances spare repairable
the material control register or request
components, ready for issue (RFI) or not ready for
document facsimile. This time is required for
issue (NRFI), are held in any activity, unless
determining accurate NMCS stop time.
authorized by higher authority.