Handling and Preparation of Engineering
c o n t r o l n u m b e r, n ava l av i a t i o n d e p o t
Investigation or Quality Deficiency Report
(NADEP), customer service, or as instructed by
the CFA.
D e f e c t ive m a t e r i a l awa i t i n g e n g i n e e r i n g
Register all parcel post shipments.
investigation (EI) or Quality Deficiency Report (QDR)
On the DD Form 1348-1 shipping document,
disposition must be turned in to supply by the
o r i g i n a t i n g a c t iv i t i e s w h o w i l l m a ke s u r e t h e
stamp EI in 3-inch letters on the face without
supporting supply department is an information
obliterating any vital data elements. In the Ship
addressee on the EI request/category (CAT) I QDR
to block, enter the words Investigation Material
message. When material is submitted, the following
and the control number.
actions must be taken:
Attach the visual information display
The supply department may not retain the
material longer than the 30-day time limit. This time
limit allows adequate time for the maintenance
(VIDS/MAF), EI request/QDR/SRC card, to
engineering cognizant field activity (MECFA) to
the equipment being turned in. The material
report shipment of the deficient material.
control must make sure the VIDS/MAF is
marked EI or QDR with 3-inch red letters that
do not obscure any data elements.
Special care must be taken to cap or package
All material and services requisitioned by an
material immediately upon removal from the
activity ultimately cost the government money. Since
the requirements for these items begin in material
other damage that may contribute to confusion
control, financial responsibility starts there as well.
or loss of possible cause factors.
Do not try to disassemble any material.
Do not make any adjustments.
Annually, Congress enacts an Operation and
Maintenance, Navy (O&MN) appropriation. At the
Do not perform any type of cleaning.
squadron level in the chain of command, the O&MN is
known as OPTAR. The squadron's aircraft controlling
custodian (ACC) or TYCOM gives the squadron a
of the fluid in a clean, sealed container.
portion of the OPTAR each fiscal quarter. Squadrons
Forward all failed fragments. Do not try to
should get the OPTAR in the beginning of October,
reassemble. Wrap fragments separately to
January, April, and July. Figure 9-4 illustrates the flow
prevent damage by movement of one against
of funds for O&MN.
The Defense Business Operating Fund (DBOF),
Package all material to at least the same level of
formerly known as Navy Stock Fund (NSF), finances
protection as RFI parts. Material for
aviation depot repairables (AVDLRs). Under this
investigation must not be transported loose in
process, the end user finances the depot-level repair
boxes or on truck beds or floors. It may not be
and procurement of 7R Cog items. The end user does
packed with any other items.
this through local replenishment of repairable items
that were BCM, lost, or missing. Although squadrons
Mark or tag each item with the control number
initiate repairable demands, the IMA has primary
provided by the cognizant field activity (CFA)
control over whether the transaction results in a DBOF
if available.
charge. Thus the IMA or station will retain control of
T h e f o l l ow i n g p r o c e d u r e s a p p l y t o s u p p l y
the AVDLR replenishment OPTAR and corresponding
departments forwarding material for investigation:
accounting responsibilities.
Conspicuously mark containers and all
Aviation squadrons use two types of funds. They
documents, such as airbills, government bills of
are the Flight Operation Fund (OFC-O1) and Aviation
lading, Navy cargo documents, and so forth,
Operation Maintenance (AOM) Fund (OFC-50). OFC
with the words Engineering Investigation. Cite
stands for OPTAR functional categories.