including it in the SFOEDL. Therefore, consider
thus reducing the potential for foreign object damage
t h e s e d i ff e r e n c e s va l i d . Yo u s h o u l d c a r e f u l l y
investigate before assigning rejection codes to
transactions with differences of ,000 or more.
Refer to paragraph 4108-6 of NAVSO P-301 3-2 for
The Commander, Naval Air Systems Command
the format and processing procedures of SFOEDL.
development of the Tool Control Plan (TCPL).
Unfilled Order Listing (UOL) to OPTAR holders for
whom they perform accounting. UOL is produced and
d eve l o p i n g T C P L f o r n ew t y p e / m o d e l a i r c r a f t
distributed MONTHLY for the 4th through 15th
introduced to the fleet. NAVAIR does this through the
report months, and then six times quarterly from the
Naval Air Engineering Center (NAVAIRENGCEN).
18th through the 33rd report month. The UOL lists
O t h e r r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s o f NAVA I R i n c l u d e t h e
unfilled orders (obligations) that are 3 or more
months old, held in DFAS files. These unfilled orders
Submission of proposed TCPL and change
have not matched with expenditure documents and
recommendations to ACC for approval
have not been canceled. Once the document appears
in UOL, 3 months will pass before it will appear again
Approval and issue of TCPL and changes to
if it has not been deleted by matching with its related
expenditure or by cancellation. For example, a
Publishing list of approved TCPL via
requisition prepared in October will first appear in the
UOL for January. October is the first OPTAR report
month, and January is the fourth OPTAR report
The material control officer (MCO) is responsible
month. If the requisition remains unmatched for
for coordinating the Tool Control Program (TCP). The
another 3 months, it will again appear in the UOL for
MCO also ensures that tools are ordered and issued in a
April. April is the seventh OPTAR report month.
controlled manner consistent with the approved Tool
These October requisitions will appear in the UOL
Control Plan (TCPL).
every 3 months until the OPTAR's 33rd report month.
The requisitions will be continuously listed unless
Tool Control Plan
deleted by matching a related expenditure listing or
canceled. Refer to paragraph 4108-3 of NAVSO
The TCPL contains information that includes
P-3013-2 for UOL format and procedures. Activities
must complete reviewing and validating the UOL
instructions. Compliance with an approved TCPL is
within 20 days following receipt. After processing,
mandatory for O-level maintenance activities. Request
mail the UOL or Response Sheet to DFAS. The
for deviation, although not encouraged, is submitted to
annotated UOL is no longer included in the OPTAR
the cognizant wing for approval. If applicable, submit
Document Transmittal Report.
the request to the cognizant ACC/TYCOM designated
wing serving as the TCPL model manager for specific
T/M/S aircraft.
This is an itemized listing of expenditure documents
received by DFAS for material or services that have
In the event a TCPL does not exist for specific
not matched with an unfilled order. The typical ship or
type/model aircraft, the reporting custodian develops
aviation squadron does not receive this listing unless
the TCPL. The reporting custodian can use other
it has a reimbursable OPTAR. DFAS sends the
published TCPL as guidance for developing a TCPL.
Unmatched Expenditure Listing quarterly. DFAS
The reporting custodian submits the developed TCPL
sends it for report months of December, March, June,
to the cognizant wing for approval via the chain of
and September over the 36-month life cycle of the
appropriation. Refer to paragraph 4108-4 of NAVSO
Tool Containers
P-3013-2 for more information about this listing.
The exterior of all toolboxes or rollaways used for
maintenance must clearly identify the organization,
This program provides a means to account for all
work center, and tool container number. The tools
tools rapidly after completing a maintenance task,
contained in the toolboxes must be etched with the