List of confirmed cancellations or copies of each
A c c o u n t ( A PA ) m a t e r i a l i s a n e x a m p l e o f
nonchargeable requisition. Additionally, differences
cancellation documents.
reported by the DFAS on the Summary Filled
Advance downward price adjustments.
Order/Expenditure Difference Listing (SFOEDL)
Copies or list of administrative cancellations of
must be entered in the log. See subparagraph 4108-6 of
above threshold unfilled orders.
NAVSO P-3013-2 for information about SFOEDL. In
SFOEDL, the debit differences will decrease and the
Optionally administrative cancellations of
credit differences will increase the OPTAR balance.
below threshold unfilled orders.
For automated OPTAR holders, see paragraph 4104-7
All the documents in this file must have the unit and
of NAVSO P-3013-2 for applicability of log and files.
extended price. Enter a transaction for each document in
Refer to paragraph 4104 and 4105 of NAVSO
the estimated cost chargeable section of the
P-3013-2 for posting and maintaining requisition/
requisition/OPTAR log. The transaction entry must be
OPTAR log and holding file transactions.
for the period involved with an increase to the OPTAR
HOLDING FILES.--Establish files by fiscal year
balance. Transmit documents in this file to the DFAS.
for each OPTAR received. The purpose of the file is to
Holding file 3 is no longer used because the
hold the appropriate accounting documents pending
financial OPTAR holder listings or response sheets for
transmittal to DFAS. The following paragraphs list the
transactions being challenged are to be sent directly to
types of files and describe their contents:
DFAS as soon as they have been processed.
File 1 is the unfilled order chargeable documents
for transmittal. This file contains the accounting copy
REPORT.--To maintain currency of accounting
(green copy) of the DD Form 1348 (6-pt). Also, it may
records, transmit proper transaction documents to
contain a copy of DD Form 1149, DD Form 282 (DOD
DFAS on time. The transaction documents include
Printing Requisition), or Standard Form 44. Also
u n fi l l e d o r d e r s , c a n c e l l a t i o n d o c u m e n t s , a n d
included are price adjustment documents that increase
processed listings.
t h e e s t i m a t e d c h a rg e a b l e c o s t s . D o n o t p l a c e
OPTAR holders that use manual procedures must
requisitions for APA or nonchargeable material in
submit a transmittal report to DFAS on the 15th and
holding file 1. Transmit documents in this file to DFAS
last day of each month for the current fiscal year
for matching with expenditure documents from the
OPTAR. Transmittal reports must include documents
supplying or paying activity.
in holding files 1 and 2. OPTAR holders operating
F i l e 2 i s t h e u n fi l l e d o r d e r c a n c e l l a t i o n
under automated (SNAP II) procedures must submit
documents/list for transmittal. This file contains
the report on the 15th and last day of each month for
documents that decrease the estimated cost
current fiscal year OPTAR. Automated activities must
chargeables (credit adjustments) of the OPTAR. These
submit the mechanized unfilled order documents
documents cancel or adjust unfilled orders previously
undercover of an OPTAR Document Transmittal
established through the submission of holding file 1
Letter (Report 26) to DFAS. Table 9-2 provides the
documents. These documents are as follows:
frequency for preparation and submission of the
Table 9-2.--Frequency of Submission, OPTAR Report
The OPTAR Document Transmittal Report (NAVCOMPT Form 2156) will be prepared and submitted as follows:
a. Nonautomated OPTAR holders on the 15 and last day of the month.
Current Fiscal Year OPTAR
b. SNAP II OPTAR holders on the 15 and last day of the month.
c. SUADPS OPTAR holders on the last day of the month.
Last Fiscal Year OPTAR (prior 1 year)
On the last day of the month, but only if holding file 1 or 2 contains
document(s) for DAO.
Fiscal Year before last (prior 2 years)
On the last day of the month, but only if holding file 1 or 2 contains
document(s) for DAO.