Code E is for items used infrequently (less than
organization code, the work center code, and the
container number. Special accountability procedures
once per month). It means the item is available from the
must be established locally for those tools not suitable
supporting IMA as required. The IMA makes the item
for etching; for example, jewelers' screwdrivers.
available to activities. After use, the activities return
the item to IMA.
Each tool must be placed in a silhouetted
container against a contrasting background. The
Code M is for noncalibratable items requiring
silhouetted tool outline highlights each tool location
management that are not otherwise custody ceded. The
within the container. Those containers not silhouetted
quantity authorized for these items is the total quantity
must contain a diagram of the tool locations.
required for subcustody by each activity supported. An
Additionally, they must include a separate listing of
example of an M-coded item is a carrying case for a
tools in calibration or requiring replacement.
calibratable item when it is listed in the source data as a
separate end item. There are two steps for assigning
items in code M. First, the support equipment
controlling authority (SECA) identifies the item.
Second, NAVAIRENGCEN assigns code M to the
The Aircraft Maintenance Material Readiness List
Program (AMMRL) is an overall program that
provides the data required for effective management of
Code N is automatically assigned to items that do
support equipments (SE). The AMMRL program is
involved with over 27,000 end items of aircraft
consequently, not otherwise coded. Code N is
maintenance SE. These are items in the Individual
automatically entered if the maintenance level is
Material Readiness List (IMRL). Also, the program is
intermediate (I).
involved with over 10,000 items of operational test
Code P is for items weighing over 200 pounds
program set (OTPS) elements. These OTPS elements
(over 300 pounds for wheeled equipments). When
a r e t h e t a i l o r e d o u t fi t t i n g l i s t ( TO L ) i t e m s .
authorized for a supporting IMA, the IMA or MALS
NAVAIRINST 13650.1 (series) defines the procedures
contingency support package quantity is the total
for allowance and inventory control for IMRL items.
quantity required for subcustody to each O-level
The objective of this program is to document technical
maintenance activity. The items are issued on a
and cataloging data and in-use information about the
subcustody basis to squadrons for full-time utilization.
IMRL and TOL items. Refer to OPNAVINST 4790.2
(series) for more information about the AMMRL
The squadron returns the item to the IMA before
deployment. While deployed, the new supporting IMA
issues these items to embarked squadrons.
Custody Codes
management. These are items designated for use at
This is a single alpha character code that provides
O-level maintenance and not already coded D, E, or P.
supplemental accountability details about an SE
The quantity authorized is the total quantity required
transaction. Also, it shows the effects of transactions
for subcustody by each activity supported. The O-level
on supply and financial records. The codes identify a
activities retain the items when deployed.
specific category of SE items placed in the custody of
an intermediate maintenance activity (IMA). IMA
Individual Material Readiness List
issues the items to other activities on a subcustody
basis. The following paragraphs describe the custody
The Individual Material Readiness List (IMRL) is
a consolidated allowance list of authorized quantities
Code D is assigned to items listed only in a
of SE items. These are items required by an activity to
detachment list code, requiring management, and
perform its assigned maintenance level functions. The
having custody code of P or E. Code D will take
following paragraphs describe the terms used in
precedence in IMRL printing. The issuing of
allowances for items coded D is done in the same
Support equipment (SE) refers to IMRL and
manner as the P-coded item. For example, code D
non-IMRL equipment required to make a system,
would apply to items required on air capable ships by
subsystem, or end item equipment operational.
deployable detachments.