Transmission Mode
Whenever possible, Streamlined Alternative
CBC. Unless otherwise directed, NCF units
Logistics Transmission System (SALTS) will be used.
deployed to Atlantic Camps will submit requisitions
Requisitions will be transmitted to Defense Automatic
for Seabee-peculiar items such as those listed below to
Address System (DAAS) via SALTS Central NAVICP
(P95) CBC Gulfport, MS.
Philadelphia. When requisitioning and transmitting
a. CESE repair parts
via SALTS, ensure Media and Status Code "S" is used.
This code will allow the system to flag those
b. CESE technical manuals
requisitions and return status via SALTS. Refer to the
c. Unique TOA Materials
SALTS Program Operation Manual.
d. Construction material except that specifically
Nonchargeable Material
identified for "local procurement."
NCF--Units deployed to Pacific sites will order
Requisitions f o r A p p r o p r i a t i o n s P u r c h a s e
Account (APA) and other nonchargeable materials
all NSN numbered materials from the nearest shore
including Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office
supply activity, except that CEEI will be requested
(DRMO) items will be assigned a serial number from
from the Third Brigade TOA Manager or N4 as
the 7500-7999 series and prepared off-line.
specified in paragraph 3304, and the local (LL) items
should be ordered from (P96) CBC Port Hueneme, CA.
Detail (Det) Requirements
Other--Consumable materials may be obtained
All Seabee DET requirements will be forwarded to
from the nearest supply support activities and "on-site"
the main body for procurement action, except DET
sources within the parameters set forth in this chapter.
sites with TYCOM issued OPTAR grants may submit
Tools/CUUs--Tools and CUUs will be ordered
their requisitions directly to the nearest supporting
from the Third Brigade TOA Manager for PAC Units.
Supply activity. Exceptions may be specified by the
respective TYCOM (see Appendix D for further
Non-NSN Requisitions--Non NSN materials
guidance regarding DET support) in the Units
with a value of .00 or less and available locally,
should be procured using the IMPAC card. (Refer to
NAVSUPINST 4200.85 for additional guidance.)
Work Request
Work Requests (NAVCOMPT Form 2275) and
Requests for Procurement (NAVCOMP 2275) will be only
T h e f o l l ow i n g i s a n a m p l i fi c a t i o n o f t h e
procedures contained in NAVSUP P-485.
Comptroller Departments only.
Serial Numbers
The following series of serial numbers will be used
for designated supply transactions
UMMIPS designated Force/Activity Designators
(FADs) and Urgency of Need Designator (UND) listed
in the P-485 Chapter 3 shall be utilized to determine
Consumable (COG 01/02/03)
1001 3999
correct prioritization of requisitions. NMCBs
deployed to Camp Mitchell, Camp Moscrip, Camp
No Cost Publication
6001 6999
Covington, Camp Shields and all overseas DET sites
Expenditure Record Log
7001 7499
will use FAD II.
7500 7999
Commanding Officers or Officers in Charge will
Repair Part (EMRM)
A001 C999
personally review requisitions which are
assigned UND "A" priority (Priority 02 or 03)
D001 D999
Assign media and status code (cc7) "S"
W001 W999