equipment based upon the Coordinated Seabee
Allowance Listings (COSALs), which are predicated
The S-4 is responsible for the receipt, checking,
upon 90 days initial outfitting supply. Ordnance and
identification and distribution of all incoming stores
electronics repair parts are usually located at or near the
(except ammunition) and for processing the receipt
work area but under the technical custody of the S-4.
paperwork. Company Commanders normally
designate personnel to sign for receipt of material for
their companies.
Learning Objective: Understand information
regarding material identification and sources
When the Supply Officer is responsible for project
of information for Seabee-peculiar material.
material receipt, stowage and issue, the Operations
The following paragraphs provide information
Officer who has a vital interest for this material
regarding material identification, publications, and
supports the job site. Most unit Commanding Officers
other sources peculiar to Seabee logistics.
will assign an officer with basic knowledge of the
nature and nomenclature of construction material,
normally a CEC officer to assist the S-4 as Material
The Construction Battalion Center, Port Hueneme,
Liaison Officer. In addition, a small staff of qualified
Civil Engineering Support Office (CESO), as Navy
OCCFLD 13 petty officers will be assigned to the
Item Manager for Seabee unique 2C COG materials,
material section for technical knowledge. The material
reviews, researches. and catalogs new items. The
section is responsible for the following duties:
Construction Battalion Center's Supply Department
P r e p a r a t i o n , r e c o r d i n g a n d f o l l ow - u p o f
procures and stocks these items.
requisitions for material based on approved bills of
Receipt of construction materials and record
New NCF peculiar items are assigned either a
keeping against requisitions and bills of materials.
Temporary Control Number (TCN), a Permanent
Operation and security of warehouses, compounds
Control Number (PCN), or a Technical Manual
and yards for building materials.
Identification Number as applicable.
Controlled issue of materials to authorized
Temporary Control Number
personnel in authorized amounts
A temporary control number (TCN) is an interim
Prompt notification to the Operations Officer of
number to permit item entry into the Construction
anticipated shortages or delays.
Battalion Center (CBC)/Civil Engineer Support Office
(CESO) systems pending the assignment of a National
MLO section may be designated to assist the
Stock Number (NSN) by the Defense Logistics
planning and estimating section when the battalion is
Information Service (DLIS) (formerly DLSC) (see
responsible for preparing Bills of Material (BMs)
insert concerning control number).
before deployment. If battalion is drawing its building
Permanent Control Number
material directly from a base, regimental, brigade or
other supply departments, members may be place on
A PCN is assigned to items that will not be given an
TAD with the supply activities.
NSN. PCNs are identified by an ALPHA character in
the ninth digit of the control number (i.e.
6110-LL-LCA-0001). The ninth digit identifies the
The repair parts section provides ready issue repair
originating department within the SLC.
parts to mechanics of the Equipment Repair Platoons.
A--Equipment Management
The repair parts issue room is located in or near the
equipment maintenance shops but is controlled by the
B--Functional Component
S-4. The repair parts carry assemblies of parts peculiar
C--Seabee Support
and parts common for automotive, construction,
weight-handling, material handling and service