Section B, Equipment Code Sequence
Section C, APL Number Sequence
Learning Obejctive: Recognize the basic
material procurement to support SeeBee
b. Part II Allowance Parts List (APL)
Section A, Parts Peculiar Items (Mod 98
The guidance in this section is intended to support
and amplify existing procedures in the NAVSUP
Section B, Parts Common Items (Mod 96 and 97
P-485, NAVSUPINST 4200.85 series, NAVCOMPT
Manual and NAVSO P-3013-2.
c. Part III, Stock Number Sequence Listing
Section A, Parts Peculiar Items (Mod 98 Only)
Requisition/OPTAR log (DET sites/Units without
Section B, Parts Common Items (Mod 96 and 97
Micro-SNAP) and the OPTAR document Transmittal
Only)"Section C, Parts Number Cross
Listing (Micro-SNAP sites) are units accounting
Reference to Stock Number
ledgers. All chargeable requisitions and purchase
o r d e r s a n d a l l A PA ( n o n - O P TA R c h a rg e a b l e )
Section D, Stock Number Cross Reference to
requisitions must be recorded in the log. For PACFLT
Part Number
N M C B s a s e p a r a t e r e q u i s i t i o n / O P TA R l o g
(NAVCOMPT 22155) will be established for COG
04/08 grants received to record TAD orders. Refer to
The b a t t a l i o n i s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r p r o m p t l y
requesting necessary allowance changes if the APL or
(series) for detailed instructions.
the COSAL does not satisfactorily support the
equipment or the mission. The Supply Officer is
normally responsible for preparing the Allowance
Change Request (ACR), while each cognizant
To ensure maximum affective use of TYCOM
department is responsible for submitting the
funds, Supply Officers shall establish internal
recommended changes to the Supply Officer.
management procedures to maintain outstanding
obligations at the lowest possible level. The Material
Outstanding and Material Completed files are required
to provide material receipt control, maintain OPTAR
fi n a n c i a l s t a t u s , a n d t o d eve l o p t h e m o n t h l y
The A d va n c e B a s e F u n c t i o n a l C o m p o n e n t
Budget/OPTAR Report.
System (ABFC) system is the tool used by the Navy
to provide logistic support to the Civil Engineer
Support Plans. A component is a grouping of
personnel and material assigned to perform one
specific function or to accomplish a particular
Requisitions validation and MOV processing are
mission at an advance base. The component and
ongoing processes that require close attention at all
their associated facilities are complete entities that
m a n a g e m e n t l eve l s . S t r i n g e n t p r o c e d u r e s a r e
are detailed to the NSN level.
necessary to prevent the loss of critical OM&N and
OM&NR dollars, to improve validity, ensure sound
Through specifying the requirements in terms of
financial procedures are in effect in all units. MOV
A B F C 's , t h e u s e r c a n r a p i d l y a n d c o n c i s e l y
actions initiated by inventory managers by themselves
communicate his needs to material and logistics
a r e i n s u ffi c i e n t f o r e ffi c i e n t m a n a g e m e n t a n d
managers. An itemization of the material in each
requisition validation. Additional internal procedures
ABFC is presented in its respective Advanced Base
are required to ensure the use of limited funds and
Initial Outfitting List (ABIOL). The responsibility for
readiness are maximized.
documentation of the material and for providing
information about the content of an ABFC comes
The goal is ZERO invalid obligations. The
under the direction of the CNO and is delineated in the
minimum acceptable validity level for both number
table of Advanced Base Functional Components
and dollar value of requisitions sampled for any fiscal
(OPNAV 41P3A).
year is 95 percent.