Assign D i s t r i b u t i o n C o d e ( c c 5 4 ) " W " .
main body and DET sites. Deployment sites will
establish and maintain separate custody records for Air
Distribution Code "W" identifies the requisition
DET and augment Controlled Equipage.
for CBC monitoring. All requisitions, regardless
of POE, will be assigned a "W" distribution
require deployment sites to maintain custody records
for Air Echelon Controlled Equipage in their custody.
Demand Effectiveness Goals Report--With the
i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f M i c r o - S NA P a n d f u t u r e
Terms and duties as they relate to turnover custody
enhancements, NCF units will have the capability to
are discussed in the paragraphs that follow.
generate a monthly demand Effectiveness Goals
Physical Inventory--The inventory procedures
Report for internal use in accordance with the SNAP
i n C h a p t e r 6 NAV S U P P - 4 8 5 a r e m a n d a t o r y.
Users Guide. As part of the end of the month reports,
Supply Officers will generate and retain a monthly
Validity goal is 95 percent, except for controlled
Demand Effectiveness Goals Report. This report will
equipage and DLRs that have a 100 percent goal.
be a part of the camp turnover file and will be reviewed
Across the board with proper management procedures
during LMAs.
in place, 95 percent is a realistic goal.
Camp Maintenance Allowances--If maintained,
Inventory Schedule--At least one month before
the COSBAL is the primary allowance for support of
deployment, the Supply Officer will prepare a physical
camp equipment. The COSBAL supports installed
inventory schedule for the upcoming deployment. The
Galley and Facility equipment (i.e., air conditioners,
schedule will conform to the inventory frequency
and heaters). A biennial equipment validation is
criteria for each material category. The first inventories
normally conducted at each campsite. During the
will be scheduled during camp turnover.
Camp turnover, the Supply Department and BRAVO
Company should verify this equipment by comparing
Controlled Equipage.--Controlled Equipage is
the COSBAL with the actual item itself.
normally carried in allowance quantities only. Chapter
8 of NAVSUP P-485 lists the general categories of
items considered Controlled Equipage. Table 6-1 is
the NMCB TOA Controlled Equipage Item List
CTR records and files are discussed in the
(CEIL) and Figure 6-2 is the NCF Controlled Equipage
following paragraphs.
Item List (CEIL). The automated listing generated by
the unit is Controlled Equipage Inventory System
Records and Files
(CEIS) will be maintained in accordance with
NAVSUP P-485 Chapter 8 by the unit Supply Officer
Micro-SNAP Sites Second Brigade will maintain
for all items listed in NAVSUP P-485 and in Figures
Stock Record Cards (SRCs) on Micro-SNAP for all
6-1 and 6-2. At Atlantic Camps all non-TOA ADP
tools and Kits. Kits input into Micro-SNAP with the
assets will be managed and controlled by the SECOND
Kit Assembly Number in the Part Number Block of the
Brigade Det Office. In Pacific Camps, all ADP assets
SRC and 99999 in the CAGE block. Third Brigade
are controlled by COMTHIRD NCB (N6). Any
sites will maintain manual CTR records in accordance
movement of ADP assets within the Camp, DRMO of
with paragraph 6202.1.b. CTR records will not be
obsolete assets, or upgrades to hardware or software
incorporated in the Micro-SNAP database. All issues
will be coordinated with the SECONDNCB Brigade
will be posted on 1250-1s. The original of the 1250-1
Det personnel, or THIRD NCB N6 as appropriate. All
will be filed in Alpha Sequence by the last name of the
controlled equipage will require custodial signature
person signing for the tool or tool kit. A copy of the
except where specifically indicated otherwise.
1250-1 will be filed in NIIN sequence to assist in
inventory processing. Once tools are returned the
original is discarded and the copy is moved to a History
file to record demand. History files are discarded at the
S e a b e e C a m p s -- I nve n t o r i e s o f C o n t r o l l e d
completion of turnover.
Equipage will be conducted during the turnover of