DLA--Defense Logistics Agency
DCASO--Defense Contract Administration
Services Office
DLIS--Defense Logistics Information Service
(formerly DLSC)
DCASR--Defense Contract Administration
Services Region
DLR--Depot Level Repairable
DCSA--Defense Construction Supply Agency
DLSC--Defense Logistics Services Center
(replaced by DLIS)
DCSC--Formerly Defense Construction Supply
Center, Columbus, OH (merged with DESC to
DMI--Departmental Management Inspection
form DSCC)
DMR--Date Material Required
DD--Defense Depot or Destroyer
DMS--Defense Materials System
DOD--Department of Defense
Center/Demurrage and Detention Charges
DODAAC--DOD Activity Address Code
DDG--Guided Missile Destroyer
DODAAD--DOD Activity Address Directory
DEFCON--Defense Condition
DOP--Designated Overhaul Point
DESC--Formerly Defense Electronics Supply
Center, Dayton, OH (merged with DCSC to
DOT--Department of Transportation
form DSCC)
DPSC--Defense Personnel Support Center,
D FA R S -- D e f e n s e A c q u i s i t i o n R e g u l a t i o n
Philadelphia, PA (replaced by DSCP)
DFAS--Defense Finance Accounting Service
(formerly FAADC)
DFR--Defense Fuel Region
DSC--Defense Supply Center
DFSC--Defense Fuel Supply Center, Washington,
DC (replaced by Defense Energy Support
DSCP--Defense Supply Center, Philadelphia, PA
Center, Fort Belvoir, VA)
(formerly DPSC)
DGSA--Defense General Supply Agency
DSP--Designated Support Point
D G S C -- D e f e n s e G e n e r a l S u p p l y C e n t e r,
DSCR--Defense Supply Center, Richmond, VA
Richmond, VA (replaced by DSCR)
(formerly DGSC)
DI--Document Identifier
DSSP--Direct Supply Support Points or Deep
Submerge Systems Project
DIAL--Deficiency in Allowance List
DTG--Date Time Group
DIDS--Defense Integrated Data Systems
DTO--Direct Turnover
DIFM--Due-In From Maintenance
DTS--Defense Transportation System
DIIP--Defense Inactive Item Program
DIPEC--Defense Industrial Plant Equipment
D I S C -- D e f e n s e I n d u s t r i a l S u p p l y C e n t e r,
E3*--CBL Funded & Controlled Contingency
DISCON--Discrepancy in Shipment Confirmation
EAC--Estimate at Completion
(SF 363)
EAOS--Expiration of Active Obligated Service
DISREP--Discrepancy in Shipment Report (SF
ECC*--Equipment Cost Code