Arrange for the supply of consumables such as
construction materials, project support items and
The junior officer of the Supply Corps assigned to
the battalion is the S-4A of the Executive Staff. The
primary duty of the S-4A is that of a Disbursing Officer
Manage budget preparations and administer
with other duties as assigned by the Commanding
Operations and Maintenance (O&M) and certain
Officer. As Disbursing Officer, he or she maintains
project funds.
direct accountability of government funds. In addition,
Supervise the movement of battalion material,
generally assigned as the Food Services and Ship's
Service Officer.
the collection of prepositioned supplies and the
documentation of the movement.
Disburse government funds for military pay,
Relief of the Battalion Supply Officer (S-4) in
travel claims, local purchase and rentals, as
homeport will be in accordance with NAVSUP P-485.
While deployed, in addition to requirements in
paragraph 1163 of NAVSUP P-485, include the
Operate an Enlisted Dining Facility and
following information in the relieving letter:
Wardroom, where required.
A statement on the status of any discrepancies
Operate l a u n d r y, b a r b e r s h o p , a n d w h e n
noted in the most recent TYCOM MAV/LMA or
required, a ship's store.
turnover letter.
Figure 12-5. --A typical NMCB Supply/Logistic department organization.