Responsible to the S-4 for receipt, issue, storage,
2. Issues and reorders in accordance with standard
record/report keeping and expenditure (shipping,
supply practices.
transferring) of "project material."
Central Toolroom (CTR) Outlet
The Central Toolroom (CTR) Outlet performs the
following functions:
Learning Objective: Become familiar with
1. Manages all hand and power tools, tradesman's
Seabee Supply organization, policy and
tool kits, and other augment and special tools.
procedures within daily logistic operations.
2. Checks all material and returns like books from
The responsibility for these tasks is that of the
a library.
battalion Supply Officer (S-4) and the Supply
department. This section will cover the general
Central Storeroom (CSR)
functions of battalion logistics and the organization of
The Central Storeroom (CSR) performs the
the Supply department and provided support.
following functions:
An in-depth analysis of the entire logistics
1. CSR is maintained in the same way as GSK on
operations as related to the NCF is available in the Civil
board a ship. NAVSUP P-485 and MICRO
Engineer Support Office (CESO) publication, NCF
Logistic Manual. A typical NMCB supply/logistics
SNAP procedures are prescribed for CSR.
department organizational chart is shown on figure
2. C o n t a i n s e l e c t r o n i c s , c o m m u n i c a t i o n s ,
weapons repair parts, office supplies, forms and
consumables material.
Camouflage Utility Uniform (CUU)
The senior officer of the Supply Corps assigned to
the battalion is the S-4 of the executive staff and Supply
The Camouflage Utility Uniform (CUU) performs
Department Head. The S-4 Officer is detailed to the
the following functions:
billet by the Chief of Naval Personnel. S-4 officer`s
-- R e s p o n s i b l e f o r i n d iv i d u a l c o m b a t
responsibilities are to procure, receive, store, issue,
equipment (782 Gear), CUUs and other
ship, transfer, and account for supply items, equipage,
organization and foul-weather clothing
repair parts and construction material. Enlisted Dining
Facility (EDF) and disbursement and accounting for
Camp Maintenance Storeroom
funds for battalion purchases and military pay are also
functions of the S-4. In the NMCB, the Supply Officer
The Camp Maintenance Storeroom performs the
is excepted to perform many of the duties usually
following functions:
associated with the broader concept of logistics.
1. Combines with the Central Storeroom as a
Supply responsibilities and other logistic
general rule
arrangements are published in the OPORD. On a joint
operation, the force supported may furnish a major
2. R e s p o n s i b l e f o r h a r d wa r e s u p p l i e s a n d
share of the logistic support. The general duties of the
replacement parts for camp facilities and equipment
S-4 are to:
Advise the Commanding Officer regarding
3. B R AV O C o m p a n y i s t a s k e d w i t h t h e
supply and logistics related matters.
maintenance and repair of camp facilities and installed
Ma i n t a i n l i a i s o n w i t h C O M C B PA C /
4. Camp Maintenance Storeroom can be located in
COMCBLANT Logistics officers and supply
either S-4 or BRAVO Company spaces.
officers on CBC, regimental brigade, division
and advanced based staffs as well as other supply
Material Liaison Office (MLO)
Obtain, issue and account for all materials
The Material Liaison Office (MLO) performs the
following functions:
contained in the NMCB Table of Allowance.