Filing Correspondence
Department o f t h e N a v y S t a n d a rd S u b j e c t
I d e n t i fi c a t i o n C o d e s , S E C NAV I N S T 5 2 1 0 . 1 1 ,
provides a single, standard subject system for
classifying correspondence for filing. Subject
throughout the Department of the Navy uses this
system for standardized numbering of Navy and
Marine Corps documents. SECNAVINST 5210.11
contains a list of standard subject identification
numbers and a list of name-title subject identification
codes. Except at activities with an exceptionally large
volume of correspondence, subject identification
numbers normally establishes files. However,
Figure 1-13.--Routing stamp.
name-title codes or a combination of both may
establish files.
Tickler File
Another responsibility assigned to the
correspondence SK is the maintenance of the system
For the purpose of identification and filing,
used to ensure a timely response to incoming
standard subject identification numbers classify Navy
correspondence. It may also be used to ensure the
correspondence and directives under 13 major series
preparation of required reports. A tickler file is
groups. These major series groups are further
established simply as a reminder that some action is
subdivided by use of the last three digits in the major
required prior to a certain date. The method most
suitable for local conditions, considering size of
The 13 major subject groups are subdivided into
operations and the amount of correspondence handled,
p r i m a r y, s e c o n d a r y, a n d s o m e t i m e s t e r t i a r y
should be used. The methods described in the
following paragraphs are frequently used.
Figure 1-14 is an example of an identifying symbol
The retained copies of the route sheet may be used
assigned to an instruction issued by the Office of the
as a reminder for replies or reports of a one-time
Secretary of the Navy.
nature. They should be maintained by the date that the
Consecutive numbers are assigned to instructions
reply or report is due and retained until the required
having the same subject identification number to show
action is completed. If sending correspondence is
the order of issuance. For example, the subject number
required, enough time should be allowed to ensure its
of contract financing is 7810. An originating office
receipt by to the recipient on or before the due date.
would assign numbers to the first, second, and third
For reports or actions of a more permanent or
instructions which it issues on contract financing as
continuing nature, file folders may be used. These may
follows: 7810.1, 7810.2, and 7810.3, respectively.
be numbered from 1 to 31, corresponding to the days of
The number 7810.1A indicate the first revision of the
the month. Notes listing action required, data required,
instruction 7810.1.
background information, and reference data are filed in
Notices are not assigned consecutive numbers
the folders according to due date. The folder for the
when they are of a one-time nature or of brief duration.
current day is pulled each morning and re-filed in the
The subject identification number assigned as the file
back of the file after the contents are noted and after it
number of a letter is not assigned a consecutive
is determined that the required action has been taken.
number. The security classification of Confidential or
When it is found that the required action has not been
Secret instructions and notices is indicated by
taken, the correspondence SK should follow up with
prefixing the subject number by "C" for Confidential
and by "S" for Secret.
the responsible personnel.