do the job while you watch. But, a much better
packages; and treating the customer as a person, and
performance from the new member can be achieved if
their problems as important.
you explain the job thoroughly and provide references
EVALUATION.--Appropriate responses at the
for any questions. Maintaining orderliness at the point
contact point require both ability and willingness on
the part of the SK making the response. It is true that
routine tasks do not present the same motivating
challenge offered by the spectacular ones, but the
overall results maybe just as important. Perhaps what
Assisting the SK's Customer
is needed is a companion for the "can do" ability--a
"will do" determination. The checklist shown in table
Helping a customer is a very easy task. Normally,
1 - 1 p r ov i d e s a m e a n s o f eva l u a t i n g t h e S K s
it only takes a minute of your time. Helping does not
performance. It is not intended to be used as a test with
necessarily mean doing everything to satisfy the
a numerical score and a PASS/FAIL grade, but as an
customers needs. You may not be authorized to
inventory to determine what abilities and traits the SK
perform some functions that are usually performed by
now possesses, and to point out the areas that need
others. You can provide assistance to the customer in
the following ways:
Identify the kind of help needed.
Perform the required service.
The impressions formed by the customer are the
result of other evidence. The customer forms a mental
Refer the customer to the applicable point of
picture of you from the message that was
contact if others perform the required service.
unconsciously communicated. The customer will try
You can also make a phone call to the applicable
to visualize what kind of person you are and how you
point of contact so that the customer will be
view the job, the rating, the Navy, and the customer and
his/her problems. The messages received by the
customer consist of positive or negative attitudes. And
SERVICE.--Service is the work performed by
soon, the customer knows how you feel. Attitudes will
the SK that contributes to the welfare of others. As a
do just that and quickly. Customers can sense your
member of a support activity, you are the most
attitude from your speech and manner.
i m p o r t a n t l i n k b e t w e e n s u p p l y a n d av i a t i o n
maintenance. The service you provide has a direct
The attitude we show toward the customer is
affect on the aircraft readiness and effectiveness of
closely related to the attitude toward our job. These
aviation maintenance.
attitudes are usually reflected in the work habits we
developed without really being aware of them. Even
When the service provided to the customer is bad,
though we may not be aware of these habits, the
its can have a lasting negative effect on the individual
customer. It can cause the customer to feel resentment
and frustration toward the organization and the person
It is not enough just to exhibit a positive attitude
who provided the service.
towards our job and customers. We must also consider
the customer's needs. You should refrain from using
On the other hand, good service builds good
the following types of comments:
attitudes, promotes morale, and gains the trust of the
customers. It is common for a customer to contact the
Everybody knows that.
same SK that provided good service in the past. That
You came all the way up here for that?
S K i s v i ew e d a s b e i n g c a p a b l e , i n t e r e s t e d ,
knowledgeable, and most of all, trustworthy.
You didn't know?
C O U RT E S Y . -- R eg u l a t i o n s d o n o t r e q u i r e
You were supposed to be here yesterday.
courtesy beyond formal military courtesy. Common
courtesy goes beyond what we are required to do. It is a
We'll get to it.
voluntary expression of respect or consideration to
another's rights or feelings. It is being polite and
These types of comments indicate to the customer
helpful when talking to someone on the telephone;
that his/her request is not important, and that you have
opening the door for someone heavily laden with
better ways to occupy your time. Most often, you will