being said not HOW it is said. This will reduce
The inability to differentiate between routine and
Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S.
priority will keep you from fulfilling responsibilities to
Navy, OPNAVINST 3120.32 series, promulgates
customers. Routines or procedures will enable you to
regulations and guidance governing the conduct of all
do jobs easier, faster, and more accurately. Thus, they
members of the U.S. Navy.
are the methods used to achieve the contact point goal,
service to customers. If routines are allowed to
become the goals, the effectiveness of the contact point
In addition to the publications above, your ship
will suffer. In the SK billet, routines are to serve
also prepares manuals for use of personnel in the
people, not people to serve routines.
performance of their duties.
The Ship's Organization and Regulations Manual
is issued by the CO and outlines the military
organization of the ship. It lists the duties and
Learning Objective: Describe Navy
responsibilities of the various departments and
p u b l i c a t i o n s a n d , c h o o s e t h e c o r re c t
divisions of the ship. It shows the personnel
publication for the purpose at hand.
allowances of the departments, and the billets assigned
to the emergency bills (general quarters, abandon ship,
The publications you will use can be divided into
fire, etc.).
two types: procedural and technical. Law governs
Supply Department Organization Manual is
operations. Procedural manuals have been developed
p r e p a r e d b y t h e s u p p l y o ffi c e r t o c ove r t h e
to assist Navy personnel in performing their jobs.
responsibilities of the supply department. It may
Efficient procedures have been developed that save
contain any or all of the following subject areas:
time and limit mistakes. They also make
Organization of the department into divisions
easier to understand. When you transfer from one ship
to another, this uniformity makes it easier to transition
into the new assignment.
Machinery operating instructions and safety
Technical publications are necessary because of
the wide range of material required to keep the Navy
The flow of work and authority within the
operating. You will use technical publications
primarily to identify material.
The publications needed by ships and stations
You should read and become familiar with the
vary, but most supply departments use those described
supply department manual. It will give you a better
understanding of the specific responsibilities of your
department and division. It will also help you do a
better job.
N a v y R eg u l a t i o n s d e fi n e s t h e d u t i e s ,
responsibilities, authority, and relationships of the
The Comptroller of the Navy (NAVCOMPT)
various bureaus, commands, offices, and individual
issues publications pertaining to accounting, financial
officer billets. The bureaus, commands, and offices
management, and military pay and allowances. The
issue publications that spell out the details of
publications that you will use are discussed below.
c o m p l i a n c e w i t h N a v y R eg u l a t i o n s . T h e s e
publications may expand and supplement Navy
NAV C O M P T M a n u a l , Vo l . 2 , A c c o u n t i n g
Regulations. There can be no conflict between Navy
Classifications, contains terminology, authorization,
Regulations and any other publication issued in the
availability, structure, and other information regarding
Navy since any conflicting wording or regulation in the
appropriations, funds, and accounts. Chapter 5
latter is automatically cancelled.
contains alphabetical and numerical lists of unit