Rotatable pool unit
You are in one of many ratings in the Navy that is
primarily involved with providing services directly to
Pre-expended bin
personnel. This section identifies the skills and
attitudes you will need to provide good customer
Maintenance support package
service. Refer to Navy Customer Service Manual for
more information.
These are some of the contact points that are
manned by SKs who provide direct services to
customers. Aviation maintenance personnel go to
these contact points to obtain services, advice, and
answers to questions. These points are important
As an SK working in a support activity, you will
because the services they provide are important.
deal with many customers everyday. You must follow
However, the quality of these services is determined by
the proper procedures to maintain control and
the individual SKs providing them--YOU ARE ONE
accountability in providing the needed requirements of
these customers. But, there may be times when the
customers feel that the service or treatment provided
was unsatisfactory. Did you correct the deficiency or
continue working? How would you feel if you were the
The first thing the customer notices and uses in
customer and received the same service from the
forming an impression is the appearance of the SK and
supporting activity? You will probably understand the
the area of the contact point. An SK with a neat and
situation better than the customer because you are
correct appearance brings respect from the customers.
familiar with the supply procedures. A customer can
No one is expected to look neat and fresh at the end of a
still be given good service even though it is impossible
hard day, but everyone should start that way in the
to provide the desired results. People may ask for
beginning of the shift.
things or services to which they are not entitled or you
A p p e a r a n c e d o e s n o t n e c e s s a r i l y a ff e c t
are not authorized to approve or grant. In such cases,
performance, but it does indicate your attitude and
service refers to the quality of service rather than
pride to the customer. The appearance of the contact
whether or not you complied with all of the customer's
point also reveals the attitude of the SK toward the job
wishes. Providing quality service, either directly or
he/she is assigned to do. A neat, business like, efficient
indirectly to personnel and to the Navy, is the
working space implies that the SKs working there are
responsibility of everyone in the Navy.
efficient and business like.
The term customer is a familiar word. Everyone
T h e m i s s i o n o f t h e d iv i s i o n c a n o n l y b e
becomes a customer at some time. You provide
accomplished when all individual tasks are completed.
services to customers, but become a customer when
We can relate a division composed of smaller units to a
you require the services of the personnel office,
manufactory composed of several assembly lines
disbursing office, career counselor's office, and so
putting together small parts to build a product.
forth. In this section, we refer to customers as anyone
Whenever there is a vacant spot in the assembly line,
for whom a service is provided.
production process is slowed down and the product
cannot be completed. This applies to you because
Contact Point
supply is a large organization and requires everyone's
The "contact point" is, very simply, the physical
location to which a customer goes to obtain a service.
Some examples of contact points are as follows:
doesn't mean taking over other people's jobs. It means
working with other members of the team for the
Requisition control unit
purpose of improving individual performance and
Technical research unit
overall efficiency.
Document control unit
new member of the organization. You can show the
Awaiting parts unit
new member the mechanics of the job and let him/her