Table 1-1.--Self-Evaluation Checklist
Are you here:
Or do you need--
Some Improvement
Much Improvement
Presents good personal appearance
Careless about appearance
Excellence knowledge of rating
Poor knowledge of rating
Good work organization
Poor work organization
Office/personnel records in top
Office/personnel records sloppy
Knows the sources of correct
Always has to ask someone else
Good command of English (written
Poor choice and use of words
and oral)
Accepts responsibility
Avoids responsibility
Considerate of co-workers
After me, they come first
Pleasant, outgoing, friendly
Surly, argumentive, sarcastic
Treats each customer as an
They're just service numbers
Gives customers only correct
Takes good care of friends
Considerate of customer's time
Give them an answer and get rid of them
Considerate of customer's time
Only considerate of own time
Genuine interest in customer's
Resents problems; they cause work
Goes the extra step to ensure
I do my work
customer satisfaction
allowed to "blow off steam" (within reason) may then
end up helping the customer anyway. In this case, the
become apologetic and ready to accept the help. A
statement "If you can't say anything good, don't say
calm, confident manner is the best approach. When
anything at all" pertains.
you do not respond with anger or rudeness to a
There are several factors that often stand between
customer's emotional outburst, you have taken the first
you and the customer. These factors often complicate
step toward solving the customer's problem, whatever
the customer's problem and your effort to provide a
its nature.
solution. You must be able to analyze the customer in
Frequently, a customer's problem will be stated in
order to serve them. The customer who is emotionally
terms of results desired. It is then up to you to identify
upset may have difficulty in stating a problem
the nature or cause of the problem and provide a
accurately or completely. Significant information may
satisfactory solution. You must be familiar with all
be omitted; opinion may have been confused with fact;
areas of your rating in order to identify specific
or there may be a feeling that the information you want
problems. You must also know where to look to find
is too personal. Usually, it will help to first determine
the answers. You should keep the contact as
the cause of the customer's emotional upset and sort it
impersonal as possible and concentrate on the
out. Ask the customer some leading questions to find
out the cause of the problem. A customer who is