Naval Inventory Control Point-Philadelphia
The C o m m a n d e r, N a v a l S u p p l y S y s t e m s
C o m m a n d ( C O M NAV S U P ) i s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r
The NAVICP-PHIL is the inventory control point
providing material support to the Navy and Marine
(ICP) that manages aircraft equipment and spare parts.
Corps. Figure 1-1 illustrates the Department of the
It also manages photographic, meteorological,
Navy organization.
catapult and arresting gear equipment, and associated
spare parts. NAVICP-PHIL is under the administrative
T h e N ava l S u p p l y S y s t e m s C o m m a n d
command of NAVSUP and the technical direction of
(NAVSUPSYSCOM) provides supply management
policies and methods to activities of the Navy and
the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR). In
Marine Corps. This command is also known as
p r ov i d i n g a d m i n i s t r a t ive c o m m a n d ove r
NAVSUP, and is the top level of the Naval Supply
NAV I C P - P H I L , NAV S U P p r o v i d e s c o m m a n d
System. Figure 1-2 illustrates Naval Supply Systems
guidance and policy and the Navy Working
Command organization.
Capital fund (NWCF) for buying consumable
aeronautical material. In exercising technical direction
of NAVICP-PHIL, NAVAIR provides technical
information for aeronautical items. NAVAIR also
Navy inventory managers are those organizational
provides NAVICP-PHIL with data for new weapons
elements responsible for managing assigned groups of
systems and funds for buying repairable items. Figure
material. The primary function of an inventory
1-3 illustrates the NAVICP organization. This chapter
manager is to assure proper balance between supply
describes the divisions of the NAVICP organization
and demand. Navy inventory managers can be broadly
that you should be familiar with. This information will
classified into two groups. The first group includes
make your job easier.
Navy commands whose principal mission is program
management of weapons systems and major items.
T h e C o m m a n d i n g O f f i c e r o f N AV I C P i s
These commands manage limited numbers of items for
responsible for accomplishing the mission of the
which acquisition and continued control are essential
to accomplishing their mission. These commands are
The Executive Officer is the direct representative
the Hardware Systems Commands, Project Offices,
of the commanding officer in maintaining the general
Navy Training Systems Center, and the Military Sealift
efficiency of NAVICP.
Command. The second group includes the inventory
control points under the Naval Supply Systems
The Special Assistants provide advisory
Command. These are the NAVICP-PHIL (formerly
assistance to the command level of NAVICP.
Aviation Supply Office (ASO)) and NAVICP-MECH
The Branch Naval Inventory Control Point
(formerly Navy Ship's Parts Control Center (SPCC)).
p e r f o r m s p r o g r a m s s u p p o r t a n d i nv e n t o r y
The following paragraphs provide information
management for assigned weapons systems and
concerning these inventory control points.
equipment. These include consumable and repairable
Each ICP manages one or more types of material,
catapult and arresting gear material.
which are held in a distribution system composed of
The Operations Directorate ensures the general
stock points. The ICPs provide the material required by
stock points, based on transaction reports submitted by
effectiveness of the divisions under its control. There
the stock point. The ICPs stock management
are three divisions under the Operations Directorate
responsibilities to the supply system are summarized
that perform as item managers. The following
as follows:
paragraphs describe these divisions.
Position material at various stock points;
The Strike Fighter division, under the Operations
Directorate, manages material in support of fighter and
Retain inventory control of material through an
attack aircraft in the Navy.
extensive stock reporting system;
The Antisubmarine Warfare (ASW), Electronics
Provide technical assistance and cataloging
and Trainer division serves as item manager for
different types of material. It manages items needed to
services to the supply system and to its
support aircraft involved in ASW, electronics, and