Material and services for other
- Procures material and services
Navy procuring activities:
not otherwise delegated to
- Procures material as possible
Develops and supervises the Naval Supply System as an integrated
other activities
when requested to do so
and comprehensive entity
- Delegates procurement
- Conducts formal advertising
Commands supply and distribution systems composed of inventory
authority to designated
for other activities as
managers, distribution activities, and methods of operation into one
contracting officers
overall system
- Authorizes heads of other
activities to redelegated
procurement authority
Provide supply management
Provide staff assistance to:
Perform assigned material
policies and methods to USN
Assistance SECNAV
- Navy Supply System
support function for:
and USMC to include:
(Shipbuilding and Logistics) in
- Navy Publications and Forms
- Materials handling equipment
- Provisioning
matters relating to:
- Navy Resale Programs
not otherwise assigned
- Cataloging
- Supply distribution and
- Navy Ration Law
- Special clothing
- Inventory management
disposal of naval material
- Navy Stock Funds
- Food
- Distribution
- Coordinate the preparation of
- Field purchasing, supply,
- Other naval material not
- Materials handling
directives and positions in
budgetary, fiscal, and
otherwise assigned
- Traffic management
collaberation with the
statistical functions
- Transportation
Commandant of the Marine
- Centralized storage of
- Packaging and preservation
Corps in matters common to
presentation silver
- Receipt, storage, and issue
both the Navy and Marine
- Disposal functions
Research and develop
Perform supply
Maintain Stores Accounts
Provide technical guidance
Manage, fund, and control
functions, methods,
management functions
for stored material
as refers to:
transportation of Navy
equipments, and
of assigned naval
entrusted to accountable
- Preparing and serving food
property and property of
materials assigned
- Planning and layout of
Navy personnel
supply spaces
Figure 1-2.--NAVSUPSYSCOM Organization.
Processing all requisitions and requests for
Prepares the tailored Aircraft Equipment
status that require manual processing.
Configuration List (AECL) for review by
supported unit. Monitors accuracy and updates
Controlling the repair and rework of NAVICP
the AECL when appropriate.
managed aeronautical items.
Verifies, updates, and maintains file data of
Another division under the Operations Directorate
supported unit allowances.
is the Customer Operations division. The Customer
Monitors and confirms customer requirements.
Advocate branch under the Customer Operations
division serves as the connecting link between
Assesses system capabilities and enhancements
NAVICP and its customers. This branch performs the
to improve the support process and overall
following functions:
readiness of intermediate maintenance activities
Maintains data about the specific logistics and
There are three site support sections under the
operating environment of the supported unit.
Customer Advocate branch in NAVICP. These sections
Coordinates, m o n i t o r s , a n d c o n t r o l s t h e
perform the functions of the Customer Advocate
development, maintenance, and distribution of
branch in support of different sites. Site support section
AVCAL and SHORCAL from allowance list.
1 performs the functions for assigned afloat units.