also know who wrote the requisitioning procedures
and where they fit in the supply organization.
Learning Objective: Describe the
When submitting requisitions, you must know
organization of the Navy Supply System;
where to send the requisitions for material required for
describe the role of an inventory manager;
stock or by customers. You must also know what
identify the functions of the inventory control
section of the organization processes the requisitions
points; describe the structure of the Fleet and
and follow-ups. This is the same as knowing the point
Industrial Supply Centers; and, describe the
of contact. Having a point of contact will make your
functions of supply in Fleet Commands.
job easier.
The basic organization of the Department of the
Navy (DON) is very important to new members of the
Navy. If you know the organizational structure, it will
Learning Objective: Describe the functions
help you understand the reasons for certain policies
and organization of the supply department;
and procedures in the Navy. The Basic Military
including those of supply departments ashore,
R e q u i re m e n t s t r a i n i n g m a n u a l p r o v i d e s t h e
or afloat with or without a supply corps officer.
organizational breakdown and applicable explanations
for the Navy. It also includes the basic organizational
As the Navy Supply System has evolved, the
elements of shipboard and aircraft squadron
organization for supply management has similarly
organization. The Airman training manual explains the
evolved. The organization has developed to respond to
basic organizational structure for certain aviation
the changing working requirements. The management
activities. The activities include air wings, aviation
part of the Navy Supply System organization consists
squadrons, naval air stations, and aircraft maintenance
of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research,
departments. The information provided in this chapter
D eve l o p m e n t a n d A c q u i s i t i o n ) . T h i s o ffi c e i s
complements those organizations listed in the Basic
responsible for supervising the Navy-wide policy in
Military Requirements and Airman training manuals.
production, procurement, supply, and disposal of
You should thoroughly understand these organizations
material. The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) is
before reading the rest of this chapter.
responsible for planning and determining material
In the daily operations of the Navy, we use more
support needs of operating forces. This includes
than two million kinds of supplies. Sometimes a
equipment, weapons or weapons systems, material,
customer may need a unique item. There are usually
supplies, facilities, maintenance, and support services.
many different Navy units throughout the world that
The CNO commands all activities known as the
use the same kind of items. Because of the widespread
Systems Commands. The systems commands are as
need for the same items, the Navy Supply System
Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR)
The Navy Supply System is part of the larger
Federal Supply System that manages more than four
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command
million different items. The activities where SKs work
manage only a few items. Knowing the functions of the
Navy Supply System organizations will help you
N ava l Fa c i l i t i e s E n g i n e e r i n g C o m m a n d
understand how your job relates in managing these
items. Also, you will learn how your job links to other
commands, bureaus, or offices in the Federal Supply
Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)
System. For example, when ordering material, you
Naval Supply System Command (NAVSUP)
must know the procedures for getting items. You must