The Audit branch reconciles inventory count with
stock records.
branch maintains a residual labor and equipment pool.
It determines and furnishes requirements for material
CONTROL DIVISION.--The Control division
handling equipment. It also furnishes laborers, high lift
processes procurements, receipts, and issue
truck operators, and other ungraded personnel not
documents. It maintains the stock records and serves as
permanently assigned to the part of supply using them.
liaison between the supply department and supported
This branch also gets and distributes transportation and
activities. There are three branches in the Control
weight handling equipment when public works does
division. They are the Issue, Stock, and Receipt
not provide them.
Control branches.
SHOP STORES BRANCH.--When established,
MATERIAL DIVISION.--This division is
this branch controls and operates shop stores according
responsible for receiving, storing, and issuing
to current directives. It provides personnel for storage,
material. The following paragraphs describe the
counter service, record keeping, and stock control
branches under the Material division.
functions. It works together with the department
The Traffic branch of the Material division is
served in setting the range and depth of needed stock
responsible for receiving and inspecting incoming
items in shop stores. When other commands set up this
material for shipment. The packing and preservation of
store and the stock is part of the store's account of the
material for shipment are done in this division. It
supporting command, it is considered a ready supply
arranges shipment and delivery of material, including
store. The organization concept of a ready supply store
is the same as a shop store.
contact with commercial carriers concerning the
shipment of material.
FUEL BRANCH.--When authorized by
The Receiving branch of the Material division
NAVSUP, supply may set up a Fuel branch when it is
plans and directs the operations necessary to receive
required by workload and scope of operations. This
and control incoming material. The three sections that
branch receives, stores, and issues fuels. At activities
make up the Receiving branch are the Receipt
with limited storage capacity, the Fuel branch also may
determine requirements and schedule deliveries of
Processing section, Receiving Operations section, and
Returned Material section.
The Receipt Processing section sets up and
maintains the requisitions and order files for receipts
department may set up this division when authorized
f r o m r e d i s t r i bu t i o n s o u r c e s . T h i s s e c t i o n a l s o
by NAVSUP. This division is also known as the
maintains the open order files for receipts from
enlisted dining facility (EDF). The organization of a
Food Service division largely depends on the size,
physical layout, facilities of the station, and number of
The Receiving Operations section receives,
personnel subsisting in the facility. The Food Service
checks, and inspects (when required) all incoming
division operates the enlisted dining facility. It also
m a t e r i a l . T h i s s e c t i o n s eg r ega t e s m a t e r i a l f o r
p e r f o r m s a d m i n i s t r a t ive f u n c t i o n s , s u c h a s
transhipment or for storage and performs investigation
maintaining records and submitting returns.
of overages, shortages, damaged, and rejected
material. It also maintains advance and completed
AV I AT I O N S U P P O RT D I V I S I O N . -- T h i s
government bill of lading files and carrier's freight bill
division is also known as the supply support center
(SSC). It is responsible for providing supply support
for assigned organizational and intermediate
The Returned Material section receives, checks,
maintenance activities (OMA and IMA). The Aviation
and identifies returned material. It arranges for the
Support division (ASD) is the single point of contact
i n s p e c t i o n o f m a t e r i a l , a s n e c e s s a r y, a n d t h e
for maintenance activities requiring direct supply
disposition of material to stock, other activities, or to
support. It is where Material Control places
requirements for material and equipment needed to
STORAGE BRANCH.--This branch receives
support maintenance of weapons systems. Material
and stores material until requested. It maintains proper
Control places these requirements by submitting
storage and care of material, including fuel and
requisitions to ASD. In later chapter of this training
lubricants. It issues materials and operates various
manual, we describe ASD responsibilities and
types of material handling equipment.
functions in detail.