administration of the department and the training of
correspondence, reports, and returns; and performs
supply personnel. Exercises general supervision over
required obligation recording.
the Supply Quality Assurance (SQA) division. The
Stock Control--Stock control functions include
ASUPO acts as supply officer during the period when
determining requirements, preparing requisitions,
the supply officer is absent.
processing receipt and expenditure documents, and
m a i n t a i n i n g r e l a t e d fi l e s a n d r e c o r d s . I t a l s o
performs financial accounting for material,
maintains related files and records; maintains
The stores officer, when assigned, is responsible
material catalogs, allowance lists, and technical
for the Stock Control, Aviation Support, Material and
publications, and prepares related correspondence,
HAZMAT Control division. These responsibilities
reports, and returns.
include shipping and receiving sections if they are not
part of the Material division.
Stowage--Stowage functions include the receipt,
stowage, inventory, and issue of material; the
The officer appointed as services officer (SERVO)
maintenance of related files, as required, and the
acts as the operational supply officer for the services
cleanliness and upkeep of assigned storage spaces.
divisions: Food Service, Ship's Sales and Service,
Disbursing, Wardroom Mess, CPO Mess, and Post
Office. The services officer is primary responsible for
the accuracy of financial reports generated by each
The food service officer (FSO) is responsible for
division. The services officer also functions as the
the food service units that operate all phases of the
administrative assistant to the supply officer in these
enlisted dining facility. The FSO is in charge of the S-2
division. The FSO also conducts authorized issues,
sales, and transfers of food items.
Supply Divisions
operates all phases of the enlisted dining facility
Listed in the following paragraphs are titles,
and makes authorized issues, sales, and transfers
respective duties, and responsibilities of supply
of food items.
d iv i s i o n s a n d o ffi c e r s . T h e s e t t i t l e s a n d j o b
assignments for divisions like S-1, S-8 and so on, may
Records and Returns--Records and returns
vary from ship to ship. You should familiarize yourself
functions include determining of requirements,
with the organizational structure in your command to
preparing requisitions, processing receipt and
make your job easier.
General Stores (S-1 Division)
maintaining related files and records. It also accounts
for food items, and prepares related correspondence,
The stock control officer is directly responsible to
reports, and returns.
the SUPO for proper administration of the Stock
Food Storage--Food storage functions include the
Control division. On aircraft carriers, the stock control
receipt, storage, and issue of all food stocks, the
officer works under the stores officer. On most ships,
maintenance of related records, and the cleanliness and
Stock Control is one of the sections that make up the
upkeep of assigned spaces.
S-1 division.
Food Preparation and Service--Food preparation
The customer services officer (CSO) is also known
as the logistics support center officer on aircraft
and service functions include the preparation and
carriers. The CSO is responsible for supervising
service of food in the enlisted dining facility, operation
customer services personnel in providing necessary
of food preparation equipment, and cleanliness and
services to supply department customers. Some of the
upkeep of assigned spaces.
services include technical research, open purchase,
Ship's Store and Retail Clothing (S-3 Division):
and bearer pick-up. Customer Service is a section of
the S-1 division on some ships.
The resale officer is responsible for the ship's
store, retail clothing stores, laundry service, and barber
General--The general stores component procures,
shop. These stores and service units make up the S-3
r e c e ive s , s t o r e s , ex p e n d s , a n d a c c o u n t s f o r
division. It is responsible for requisitioning, receiving,
consumable, equipage, repair parts, and other material.
storing, and selling of ship's store and clothing items.
Maintains required records. It also prepares