Operation and supervision of the ship's store
SQA p e r s o n n e l i n c o n d u c t i n g a u d i t s , r a n d o m
samplings, and analyzing reports.
except when the ship's store officer is designated
The supply quality assurance is responsible to
in writing, to be other than the supply officer.
ensure effective inventory, financial, and personnel
Performance of such other collateral duties as
management is achieved and applied toward increased
material readiness for each supply division.
are assigned by the commanding officer.
Chief Petty Officer (CPO) Mess (S-11 Division):
Study the organization of the supply department of
a small fleet unit in figure 1-6. Your duties as s
The CPO mess caterer is responsible for hotel
Storekeeper will be much the same regardless of the
management and food service operations of the CPO
type of ship in which you serve. The procedures set
mess. Usually temporary assigned duty personnel
forth in this book apply to both ships supply
from outside supply department fulfill this billet. The
department organization, unless an exception is noted.
CPO mess caterer reports to the Services Officer,
In these instances, both procedures will be given.
administratively and technically.
Post Office (S-12 Division):
T h e p o s t o ffi c e i s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e
administration and operation of all postal functions.
The following text list those activities that have
logistic or financial responsibilities and provide
supply support to other activities. The support
provided by these activities includes procurement,
management, and accounting of aviation and general
material related to the duties of the SK.
The designated officer supply officer of a ship is
responsible to the commanding officer for the proper
Fleet Supply Officer
performance of the following:
Economical and efficient operation of the supply
The fleet supply officer serves as an advisor to the
fleet commander-in-chief concerning supply and
transportation matters. The Atlantic Fleet supply
Procurement, receipt, stowage (when applicable),
officer heads a division of staff personnel in the
issuing, and accounting for equipage, repair parts,
Commander-in-Chief Atlantic Fleet (CINCLANT-
repairables, and consumable required to support
FLT) Headquarters. The Pacific Fleet supply officer
the ship.
heads a division of Commander-in-Chief Pacific Fleet
(CINCPACFLT) Headquarters staff. The United States
Return of unserviceable repairables to the
Naval Forces Europe fleet supply officer heads the
designated repair facility.
Commander-in-Chief United States Naval Forces
Operation and upkeep of equipment assigned
Europe (CINCUSNAVEUR) Headquarters staff.
to the supply department and the cleanliness
and upkeep of assigned supply department
Air Type Commander
Supply Staff
Training and supervision of personnel assigned
to the supply department.
Ships of a fleet are grouped by types and assigned
to type commanders (TYCOM) for administration.
Certification for payment of lawful bills; when
Certain TYCOMs have primary logistics
designated as fund cashier, the supply officer
responsibilities that extend beyond their own type
will also be responsible for the disbursement
organization. These are the Commander, Naval Air
of government funds and proper accounting
Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet (COMNAVAIRLANT) or
(CNAL) and Commander, Naval Air Force, U.S.
Operation and supervision of the enlisted dining
Pacific Fleet (COMNAVAIRPAC) or (CNAP). Other
responsibilities of COMNAVAIRLANT include acting
facility, including the procurement, preparation,
as logistics agent for aviation support to ships and
and service of food.