Personnel must be knowledgeable of procedures
Receiving Supervisor
to be followed during emergency situations.
T h e r e c e iv i n g s u p e r v i s o r m a k e s s u r e t h a t
incoming material is receipted, identified, inspected,
sorted, and distributed, Material may be distributed to
supply department storerooms or to other
The receiving branch ashore plans and directs
departments when the material is marked for direct
operations necessary to physically receive incoming
turnover (DTO). The supervisor also makes sure that
material for storage, direct turnover (DTO), or
receipt documents are accurately annotated and
transshipment. The functions normally assigned to a
distributed for processing. If the receiving supervisor
receiving organization at a local supply activity
is not there during normal working hours, the next
include receipt and inspection of incoming material,
senior Storekeeper will assume these duties. In
segregation and delivery of incoming material,
performing these duties, the Storekeeper delegated
preparation of reports, preservation and packaging of
the responsibility of receiving incoming stores will
material for storage or shipment, initiation of tracer
exercise direction over other Storekeepers and the
action for incoming material when required, and
working parties handling these stores.
maintenance of files relating to all receiving functions.
Duty Storekeeper
The duty Storekeeper makes sure that material
The material receipt process afloat involves the
identification, storage, issue, and recording of all
delivered after normal working hours, is receipted,
material previously requisitioned or purchased and
identified, inspected, and placed in the designated
received by the activity. As an integral part of the
receiving section, or turned over to the appropriate
supply receipt process, all material received must be
department if the receipt document is marked for
properly identified, stored (if the material is for stock),
DTO. The duty Storekeeper makes sure that receipt
proper turnover, signature (if the material is for DTO),
documents are properly annotated and given to the
and recorded in the stock records in a timely fashion.
leading storeroom Storekeeper the next workday.
The various methods of material delivery are
The supply officer and personnel assigned to
discussed in the following paragraphs.
receiving operations must be flexible in routine daily
procedures and be able to adjust to any conditions
Direct Delivery
necessary in the receipt of material. The purpose of
preparing for receipt of material is to guarantee the
The receipt of material or services from a
timely and accurate receipt processing and distribution
government or commercial source and acceptance by a
of incoming material.
ship, squadron, or group representative at either the
point of delivery or source of supply are known as direct
The most important part of any supply operation is
delivery. After receipt has been acknowledged, the
to guarantee the safety of all personnel involved. The
Navy owns the material and services are considered
supply officer is responsible for making sure certain
satisfactory unless discrepancies are noted. The supply
safety rules are observed, especially for inexperienced
officer must establish procedures to make certain only
personnel. This delegation is passed to the supervisor
authorized personnel pick up, receive, or sign for
of receipt processing who must make certain the
material or services.
following rules are observed:
Personnel must be properly equipped with safety
equipment such as safety shoes, gloves, and hard
All commercial and government deliveries shipped
under a bill of lading are classified as delivery by freight.
P e r s o n n e l m u s t b e q u a l i fi e d t o o p e r a t e
Material transshipped from a government source is also
classified as freight when deliveries are combined and
materials-handling equipment used in the
shipped via the DOD transportation system. Freight can