be prepared for each category of material that is to be
required, MILSTRIP requisitions for the required
procured from a SERVMART.
item will be prepared and submitted through normal
supply channels.
Material in Bulk Quantities
Since larger ships often require quantities of
material, which would exceed amounts reasonably
Learning Objective: Recognize special
stocked on the shelf, many SERVMARTs provide a
requisitioning and action taken to procure
bulk issue service. This service is designed to provide
from other commands.
the quantities necessary to fill smaller customer needs.
At this point, you have learned how it requisitions
However, SERVMARTs are not designated to be the
are prepared and submitted for routine requirements
source of supply for long term requirements or
determined by the supply officer or head of other
predeployment loadouts. The use of SERVMARTS to
departments. However, not all requisitions are routine.
fill such needs is not authorized.
For some, special handling, or additional information
For detailed information on the preparation of
is required.
these documents and DTO material request, refer to
Emergency requirements may be obtained from
ships other than supply ships and tenders if the
The Storekeeper or other person designated to
material is available and can be spared. The request
pick up material at a SERVMART is responsible for
may be made on a DD Form 1348, NAVSUP 1250-1,
the following actions:
or by message and should contain the same
If total quantity requested is obtained, circle the
incarnation as a requisition to a supply activity except
that the routing identifier is left blank. If the requested
quantity indicated on the SSL. If only a partial
material is not available for issue, the requisition is
quantity is available, line out the requested
returned to the requisitioner since ships do not hold
quantity and enter and circle the quantity
requisitions on backorder for later issue.
obtained. If the item is not available in any
quantity, line out the requested quantity and
enter "NIS in the "Qty" column.
Correct the SSL, when necessary, to reflect
Procurement o f i n s t a l l e d e q u i p m e n t i s t h e
current prices, stock numbers, and units of issue
responsibility of and controlled by:
of items obtained.
1. N ava l E l e c t r o n i c s S y s t e m s C o m m a n d --
Group and check out the items obtained by
Electronic Equipment
material category (i.e., a separate group of
2. Naval Sea Systems Command--Ordnance
items for each DD Form 1348 or NAVSUP
Form 1250-1). As each group of items is
3. Naval Sea Systems Command--Equipment and
checked out, give the original DD Forms 1348
machinery for ship's operation
(MVO) or NAVSUP Forms 1250-1 (MVO) to
the SERVMART clerk, and obtain from the
Letter requests for installed equipment are
clerk a separate adding machine tape for each
submitted by the commanding officer. The supply
DD Form 1348 or NAVSUP Form 1250-1
officer must assign a requisition number to these
Before leaving the SERVMART, reconcile any
Initial Equipment Installation
differences between the prices listed in each
adding machine tape or Electronic Point of Sale
Most new equipment is installed during a shipyard
(EPOS) tape and those indicated in the
overhaul. Personnel in the shipyard Supply operations
applicable SSLs.
Assistance Program/ILO team add the additional
If requested items were not available at the
repair parts required to the Stock-Number Sequence
SERVMART and the unavailable items are still
L i s t - S t o r e r o o m I t e m s ( S N S L - S R I ) . W h e n n ew