Publications, identified by cognizance 0I are not
office. In this section we will only discuss the material
carried in a stores account and are issued without
outstanding file (MOF) and how it is used.
charge. Therefore, signal code "D" or "M" (no billing
required), as appropriate, is entered in CC 51, and the
fund code, CC 52-53, is left blank.
The majority of procurement documents are DD
Special requisitioning instructions, approval
Form 1348s. The file is usually maintained in a card
requirements, and restrictions are indicated in the
file. The cards should be maintained in document
Requisition Restriction (RR) column of the Navy
number sequence. The hardback copy of DD Form
Stock Lists of Forms and Publications.
1348 is the material outstanding file copy.
The DD Form 1149 is attached to the hardback
copy of the DD Form 1348 that was prepared as an
When normal supply sources are not available and
obligation document. The procedures are found in
general stores stock is exhausted, ship's store or
subsistent stock may be transferred to ship's use. For
example, cornstarch transferred from subsistence
stock for use in cleaning the boilers or flashlights
The frequency and type of status is determined by
transferred from ship's store to general use.
the Media and Status (M & S) code assigned to the
Such transfers are made on DD Form 1149 and are
requisition. The purpose of status is to keep you
charged to the ship's OPTAR (funds available for
informed of the action(s) being taken by supply
operation of the ship). Complete accounting data must
activities to furnish the requested material.
be shown on the transferring DD Form 1149 for both
the charge and the credit.
Supply status usually is received on DD Form
1348m or a General Purpose Detail Card.
Supply status may also be received by message on
high-priority requisitions. It is similar in format to a
message requisition.
R e f e r t o NAV S U P P - 4 8 5 , w h e n p r o c u r i n g
services, ecclesiastical material, boat letters, books,
It is here that the importance of the document
ice, typewriters, newspapers, printing, rubber stamps,
identifier code is evident. The DD Form 1348m has
local tunnel tickets, and other miscellaneous material.
many uses, and in order to accurately interpret the
The procurement action varies with the type of service
information shown, the purpose of the card must be
or material.
known. The three document identifiers you will most
frequently use on the DD Form 1348s you prepare are:
1. A01--Requisitions
2. AC1--Cancellation request
Learning Objective: Recall the procedures
for maintaining requisition files, automated
3. AF1--Follow-up
and manual process.
You will receive, supply status with several
different document identifiers, of which the following
Requisition file maintenance begins when a
are the most common:
requisition is prepared and the hardback copy of the
procurement document is placed in the material
1. AE1--Automatic supply status
outstanding file (MOF). When the material ordered has
2. AB1--Direct delivery supply status
been received or canceled, the requisition document,
with a copy of the receipt document, is placed in the
3. AS1--Automatic shipment status
material completed file (MCF). The cycle ends when
The automatic supply and shipment status is
the charge has been cleared through the Defense
furnished as requested by the M&S code on the
Finance and Accounting System (DFAS) at San Diego
or Norfolk and reported to your ship. The steps in
When status is received they should be reviewed as
between are largely dependent upon the volume of
soon as possible to detect requisitions that have been
requisitions prepared and the procedures used in your