canceled. The status codes inform you of the action
manner as a follow-up except that a document
being taken and are found in the NAVSUP P-485.
identifier in the AC-series is used. Submission of a
Cancellations should be called to the attention of the
cancellation request does not guarantee cancellation of
supply officer so that, if the material is still required,
the requisition. If the supply activity has already
new procurement action may be taken. The other status
released or shipped the material, the requisition cannot
codes, representing passing action, backorders,
be canceled. For this reason, you should not consider a
shipping status, and so forth, should be reviewed, and
requisition canceled until confirmation is received
appropriate action taken, as required.
from the supply activity.
When material or status has not been received by
A requisition modifier document may be initiated
the standard delivery date or the required delivery date
by the requisitioner, supplementary addressee, or
(if shown in CC 62-64 of the DD Form 1348), you may
monitoring office, to modify the priority designator,
submit a follow-up to determine status. The standard
delivery date is computed by adding the authorized
required delivery date, media and status code, and/or
UMMIPS delivery time to the Julian date of your
distribution code of a previously submitted requisition
requisition. The follow-up may be submitted by
Force/activity designator (F/AD) is upgraded or
In either case, document identifier AF1 and the
routing identifier for the last known holder of the
Urgency of the requirement increases (except for
requisition are assigned. The balance of the follow-up
is identical to the original unless part of the material
CASREP) or decreases due to unplanned or
has already been received. If status or material has not
unforeseen conditions.
been received from NOZ within the time allotted, the
The project code may also be modified if the
follow-up would be for 2 EA and not 6 EA as appearing
on the original requisition. The original follow-up is
outstanding requisition is held by a Navy activity.
sent to the activity indicated by the routing identifier
When material on order is required to satisfy a
and the copy of a copy of the message filed with the
CASREP, the outstanding requisition will not be
outstanding requisition. If the follow-up message
modified. A NORS requisition must be submitted for
includes multiple document numbers, the hardback
the CASREP requirement.
copies of the related requisitions in the MOF is
annotated to indicate the DTG of the message.
The supply activity then furnishes the current
status of your requisition.
P e r i o d i c a l l y, s u p p l y a c t iv i t i e s r ev i ew a l l
When taking follow-up action on a requisition for
requisitions held on backorder and for those considered
urgently needed material for which the standard
overage; they prepare backorder reconciliation for each
delivery date or required delivery date is past with no
status received, document identifier AT-may be used
requisitioner. When you receive an MOV request, the
instead of AF1. This tells the supply activity that if they
cards or listing should be checked against your records
have no record of the original requisition, to process
and a report made in accordance with the instructions
the follow-up as a requisition. This could preclude the
included with the request. The reconciliation serves
need for another requisition if response to an AF1
several purposes of which the following are of interest to
follow-up should be "no record of your requisition."
However, it may also result in duplicate shipment and
Current status of outstanding requisitions
Cancellation of old requisitions for material no
longer needed by your ship
When material is no longer required, a
Correction of files maintained by the supply
cancellation request should be sent to the last known
holder of the requisition. It is prepared m the same
activity requesting the reconciliation