obtained by authorized Medical or Dental Corps
a SERVMART. It provides the basis for preparation of
personnel. Each SERVMART issues a SERVMART
each DD Form 1348 or NAVSUP Form 1250-1 money
Shopping Guide which lists the cognizance symbol,
value only (MVO) required for such procurements. See
NSN, noun name, unit of issue, unit price, and storage
figure 3-7 and 3-8 for examples of documents used to
location of each item stocked in the SERVMART. The
procure items from SERVMART.
self-service feature of SERVMARTs, as well as
Mandatory Requirements
simplified requisitioning procedures, enables an
ashore supply activity to realize substantial cost
The use of the SERVMART Shopping List (SSL)
savings and let its customers obtain material quickly
( N AV S U P F o r m 1 3 1 4 ) i s m a n d a t o r y i n a l l
without preparing and submitting a separate
procurement actions from SERVMART. NAVSUP
requisition for each item. The range of material
Form 1314, in conjunction with DD Form 1348 (MVO)
available, ease of requisition, and ready convertibility
or NAVSUP Form 1250-1 (MVO) are the only
to personal use require that afloat supply management
procurement forms authorized. Refer to the NAVSUP
personnel rigorously monitor and control
P-485 for detailed guidance in the use of these forms
SERVMART shopping.
for SERVMART procurement.
Documentation by Material Category
One SSL in triplicate and one supporting DD Form
Form 1314) is used to list the items to be procured from
1348 or NAVSUP Form 1250-1 (MVO) are required to
Figure 3-7.--Example of a DD Form 1348 SERVMART procurement document.
Figure 3-8.--Example of a NAVSUP Form 1250-1 SERVMART procurement document.