STORAGE LAYOUT.--Storage space ashore is
subject to considerable variations, depending upon the
The stock locator system eases processing receipt,
mission of the station. Some activities have multistory
issue, and shipment of material. The location of each
buildings that contain both office and storage spaces. In
item in stock is recorded in the related stock record by
its broadest sense, storage space includes the area within
the warehouse. This includes the entire area designated
using manual or automated files. This record should
as an open storage area. However, this area includes
contain only as much information as necessary to find
spaces assigned for such functions as preservation and
the material. The stock locator file is the heart of a
packaging, packing and crating, receiving, shipping,
stock location system. It is the address directory for all
inspection and identification, screening, and offices.
stored material.
The space excluding these items and any other space is
the gross space for storage. Net storage space is the area
Locator Systems Ashore
occupied by bins plus pallet rack space. Aisles make up
the difference between the gross space and net storage
Locator systems ashore are different and more
complicated than those afloat. To understand the
locator system ashore, you must understand storage
LOCATION NUMBER.--A significant location
layout, location number format, and locator files.
number is one that enables personnel who are not
familiar with a storage area to locate an item of stock.
The design of a locator system includes a
Each character or group of numbers that make up the
planograph. The planograph is a drawing of the actual
location number plays an important part in locating an
layout of a storage area. It portrays the subdivision of
item in the storage space. The location number consists
the gross space within the storage space. A planograph
of the building, floor, row, stack, and level.
placed on the bulletin board enables the stock person to
match the location on the locator file with the floor
Normally, the location number consists of nine
plan. The stock person may then proceed directly to the
numeric digits separated into three groups by dashes; for
example, 123-456-789. The first three digits identify the
location of the stored item.
warehouse and the floor number. As in the example, the
The automated system in use today allows faster
number 12 indicates the building number and the
response for inquiries concerning stock items. You
number 3 indicates the third floor. The second group of
must learn the procedures for using these computers
three digits (the 456 in the example) is the row number.
according to your activity's instructions. Supply
The third group of three digits is the number of the stack.
transactions, such as receipts, issues, transfers, or
As in the example, the number 78 shows the stack or the
surveys, require posting into the computer system. The
specific crosswise location on a row. The last digit in the
posted transactions keep the information in the system
example, the 9, shows the level within the stack. See
figure 4-19 for a sample location number and view of a
typical warehouse floor plan and storage area.
When stock numbers have more than one location
for small lots, the material should be combined into
LOCATOR FILES.--Automated shore and
one location. Combining material into one location
afloat activities maintain stock location data files in the
r e q u i r e s j u d i c i o u s p l a n n i n g . U s u a l l y, y o u c a n
computer system. This type of operation provides
minimize relocation of material through attrition.
accuracy and speed. Automated systems can provide a
printed listing of stock location information, from the
Transfer of material between storeroom/warehouses or
computer data file, for manual use. Only authorized
to different locations in the same storeroom/warehouse
personnel should have access to computer files. The
requires supervision by the leading storeroom SK. The
Shipboard Uniform Automated Data Processing
leading storeroom SK is responsible for the following:
System-Real Time (SUADPS-RT) uses the material
Protecting the material from loss or damage
location files (MLF). The MLF is capable of recording
during the move
more storage locations in addition to the four locations
in the basic material file (BMF). Refer to SUADPS-RT
Ensuring proper stowage of material in the new
Support Procedures, volume 1, chapter 2, for more
Ensuring prompt and accurate recording of new
In the manual stock locator file, all work is
locations into the stock records or files
performed by hand. The manual system uses related