storeroom a l s o s h o u l d h ave i n c a n d e s c e n t a n d
the code listed in NAVSUP P-485 Volume II. Disposal
of hazardous materials will be in accordance with the
explosion-proof overhead lights (protected by lamp
following publications:
guards). The switch should be outside the
compartment, and non-sparking vent fans, with the
O P N AV I N S T 5 0 9 0 . 1 ( s e r i e s ) , N a v y
controllers outside the compartment.
Environmental and Natural Resources Manual
Acid Locker
Naval Ships' Technical Manual (NSTM),
An acid locker is a leak-proof, led-lined box, chest,
or locker especially designed for stowing bottles or
NAVSEAS9593-A7-PLN-010, Shipboard
carboys of acid. A label bearing the inscription "ACID
H a z a rd o u s M a t e r i a l H a z a rd o u s Wa s t e
BOTTLE STOWAGE" in 3/8-inch letters must be
Management Plan
securely attached to the lid of each acid locker. Acid
lockers will be kept in the flammable liquids
The labeling of hazardous material should provide
storeroom. However, acid lockers that contain only
enough information about the hazard presented by the
medical acids may be kept in a medical storeroom.
material. Storage tanks and pipes containing
hazardous material also must be labeled. Stock
Alcohol Locker
hazardous material should be at the minimum quantity
required to meet the operational requirements. The
An alcohol locker is a chest or locker used for
following paragraphs list some of hazardous items
security stowage of grain alcohols that are highly
used afloat.
susceptible to pilferage (i.e., ethanol or ethyl alcohol).
ACID.--Unless classified as safe material in the
Alcohol lockers will be located in the flammable
Naval Ships' Technical Manual, chapter 670, store
liquids storeroom. However, lockers that contain only
liquid acid in the acid locker. If the acid locker is not
medicinal alcohol (100 proof or less) may be located in
ava i l a b l e , s t ow a c i d b o t t l e s i n t h e f l a m m a b l e
any secure space designated by the commanding
storeroom. However, a watertight rubber lining must
cover the deck and the lower part of the bulkhead Also,
label the space with ACID BOTTLE STOWAGE, in
3/8-inch letters, securely attached to the outside of the
storeroom door. Corrosive acids are acute fire hazards.
Stow corrosive acids separately from oxidizing or
Certain materials with inherent hazardous
flammable materials. Avoid contact of corrosive acids
properties, delicate instruments, classified items, and
with your skin or eyes. Personnel handling these acids
pilferable material require special handling or storage.
must wear rubber gloves, rubber aprons, and goggles
We will first consider the classifications of material
for protection.
and then discuss the special handling or storage
requirements for material that is carried for ship's use.
ALCOHOL.--Since most alcohols have a flash
Requirements for cargo stowage are not covered
point below 100F, all alcohol must be stored in
because the types of cargo and ship's characteristics
flammable liquid storerooms. Store grain alcohol
vary and must be considered on an individual basis.
(ethanol or ethyl alcohol) in an alcohol locker.
Hazardous Materials
oxidizing material by Special Material Content Code J
The Naval Ships' Technical Manual, chapters 670
(Juliet). Store all oxidizing material in a dry
and 9230, and the DOD Hazardous Material
compartment away from combustible materials. One
Information System (HMIS) outline the requirements
of the oxidizing materials used on board ships is
for shipboard use and storage of dangerous and
calcium hypochlorite. It is a bleaching agent and
semisafe materials. The DOD 6050.5-LR lists these
disinfectant. Ships use calcium hypochlorite for
items under each classification. The HMIS also
purification of potable water, sewage treatment, and
includes the procurement, transportation, physical,
fire-fighting, spill, and leak information for each item.
Calcium hypochlorite itself is noncombustible.
To determine the storage requirements of the item,
However, it is a strong oxidizing agent that will
generate heat and liberate chlorine. It can also cause
cross-reference the type storage code from HMIS to