shelves secured to prevent stores from falling out on
special lockers and spaces related to them. Each lock
must have an original and a duplicate key, each
different from the keys to any other space. The person
Unless approval is obtained from the commanding
in charge of the space during working hours has
officer, personal gear must not be stowed in supply
possession of the original key. After working hours this
person must turn over the key to the duty petty officer
for safekeeping in a general key locker in the supply
office. The duplicate key may be kept in the supply
The following general security rules apply to
office key locker, in a special duplicate key locker, or in
supply department spaces.
the supply officer's safe. An original master key that
1. Materials in store are always kept under lock
passes (opens) all locks in group I may be retained in
and key except when the bulk of such material
the custody of the officer or petty officer designated by
makes stowage under lock and key impractical.
the supply officer. The supply officer retains the
2. Supply spaces are kept locked when not
attended by authorized personnel.
galley, bakeshop, bread room, vegetable preparation
3. Responsibility for the security of spaces rests
r o o m , s u b s i s t e n c e i s s u e r o o m , bu t c h e r s h o p ,
with the person in charge of each space.
refrigeration spaces, and subsistence storeroom. Each
4. Permission for entry of persons ordinarily not
lock must have an original and a duplicate key different
authorized to have access to supply spaces will
from the keys to any other space. These keys are
be obtained from the supply officer or the
handled in the same manner as for group I, except that
delegated assistant.
the keys to the galley, bakeshop, bread room, butcher
5. No supply space will be secured in such a
shop, and vegetable preparation room are not turned in
manner that access by use of ordinary damage
to the key locker but are passed between watch captains
control equipment is impeded in an emergency.
as they relieve each other. There must be a master key,
different from group I, which will pass all locks in
6. Keys to supply space padlocks will not be taken
group II. This master key maybe retained in the
from the ship by the custodian.
custody of the supply officer or a designated petty
7. A key log will be used to identify the holders of
officer. If a duplicate master key is furnished, it is
keys removed from the key locker.
retained in the custody of the supply officer.
GROUP III--Ship's store and clothing spaces
recorded in writing except as prescribed in
(including the bulk storerooms), retail stores, and all
associated spaces. These spaces are secured with
combination padlocks. The combination padlock
9. All key padlocks must be 1-1/2 inch, pin tumbler
comes with a "setting-in" key and instructions for
type, with dead bolts, either brass or bronze, The
locks must be keyed individually and furnished
setting the combination. The custodian of the space
with two master keys for each group and two
grand master keys for each set.
1. Set a combination in the lock.
10. A l l k e y l e s s p a d l o c k s w i l l b e t h e
2. Record the combination on a piece of paper.
3. Place the paper and the "setting-in" key in an
type 8077A, NSN 9Z5340-00-285-6523.
opaque letter-size envelope.
4. Seal the envelope.
changed at least every 6 months.
5. Sign his name over the flap of the envelope in the
Group of Spaces
presence of the ship's store officer.
For purposes of key administration, supply
6. Turn the envelope over to the ship's store officer.
department spaces are divided into four groups:
The custodian does not record the combination
anywhere other than on the paper turned in to the ship's
GROUP I--General stores spaces, including
store officer, nor does the custodian disclose the
general storerooms, repair parts storerooms, and