To the maximum extent that available space
There are different types of dunnage used in
permits, you must adhere to the following guidelines
warehousing and material storage. The floor dunnage
when stowing general stems:
is used to protect stock from possible damage from
water flows or dampness from the floor or ground area.
Locate heavy bulk materials in areas convenient
The short dunnage maybe cut from salvaged lumber
to hatches and materials-handling equipment.
and is used for separating the containers to permit the
This minimizes the physical effort required for
loading, stowage, and breakouts.
use of a forklift truck. The dunnage used in handling
containers must be shorter than the container. Vertical
Locate light bulky material in storerooms with
dunnages are pieces of dunnage used in vertical
high overhead clearances for maximum use of
positions to stabilize crushable items. The purpose of
available space.
using vertical dunnage is to spread the weight of pallet
Segregate unlike materials (e.g., hazardous
loads. Usually, dunnage consumes less storage space
ve r s u s n o n h a z a r d o u s , c l a s s i fi e d ve r s u s
than a pallet. Dunnage may be made from salvaged
unclassified, large versus small).
lumber at little cost; therefore, it should be used in lieu
Locate frequently requested material, such as
of a pallet.
selected item maintenance (SIM) items, as close
as possible to the point of issue as possible, in a
Collars and Notched Spacers
storeroom that is convenient to maintenance
The purpose of collars is to protect the valves of the
Locate shelf-life items in a readily accessible
compressed gas cylinders from the weight of the upper
area to facilitate periodic screening.
pallets. Collars provide this protection when
compressed gas cylinders are in an upright position. To
Install appropriate stowage aids in spaces where
prevent accidental tipping, cylinders stacked vertically
they can be effectively used.
must be bound with steel strapping to stabilize the load.
Provide for aisles at least 30 inches wide
Notched spacers are used for horizontal palletizing
between bins, racks, and/or cabinets.
o f c o m p r e s s e d ga s cy l i n d e r s . T h i s m e t h o d o f
Arrange materials with identification labels
palletization permits the issue of a single cylinder
facing outward to facilitate issues and inventory.
without disturbing the balance of the unit. Notched
Avoid multiple locations for the same item.
spacers also prevent compressed gas cylinders from
wire or steel strapping to bind the pallet when
transporting cylinders for long distances or over rough
Certain m a t e r i a l s w i t h i n h e r e n t h a z a r d o u s
properties require special stowage facilities and
handling precautions. The Naval Ships' Technical
Manual and the Hazardous Material Information
The number, locations, shapes, and sizes of supply
S y s t e m outline the requirements for shipboard
department storerooms vary significantly in each type
stowage of dangerous and semi-safe materials.
of ship. Therefore, each supply officer must carefully
Shipboard stowage facilities commonly used for
hazardous general stores items are discussed in the
study the configuration and capacity of available
following subparagraphs.
stowage spaces when determining the type and
quantity of material to be stowed in each. The location
Flammable Liquids Storeroom
of storeroom doors, hatches, stanchions, ventilation
ducts, overhead fixtures, and other structures must be
The flammable liquids storeroom normally will be
c o n s i d e r e d i n p l a n n i n g t h e s t owa g e l a y o u t .
located at either end of the ship, below the full load
Architectural "obstructions" are altered, when
waterline, not adjacent to a magazine and be equipped
possible and as necessary, to create additional space.
with an automatic fire alarm and CO system. This