used is Julian date of the first day of the fiscal
two to the dealer. Instruct the dealer to submit
year. The serial number starts with "FO" and is
copy one as an invoice to the activity listed in the
followed by the last two digits of the fiscal year.
block captioned "AGENCY NAME AND
Document number V12345-7274-FO88 is an
example of an MVO document number.
Submitting the remaining copies of Standard
There are two ways of constructing document
Form 44 to the material control or unit supply
numbers for billing purposes. For NAVY AIRCRAFT,
the serial number used is the last four digits of the
preprinted serial number on the issue slip. For other
Upon receipt of Standard Form 44 copies, the
DOD AIRCRAFT, the serial number used is the last
material control or unit supply officer is responsible
four digits of the aircraft tail number. This procedure
for the following:
p e r m i t s t h e a c c o u n t i n g a c t iv i t i e s t o l i q u i d a t e
Procurement from Commercial Sources
Matching copy four with the issue request
Material and services required to support aircraft
document that initiated the purchase. If the
on an extended flight may be procured from
documents match, prepare an MVO DD Form
commercial sources. The following paragraphs
1348 (6-pt) as an obligation document. If
describe the procedures and forms used for buying
required, adjust the issue request document to
from commercial vendors.
match with copy four. Attach copy four to the
STANDARD FORM 44.--The document used to
hardback copy of DD Form 1348 (6-pt). Enter
purchase materials and services is the Standard Form
the obligation to the requisition/OPTAR log, and
44. The cost of repairs and services is limited to ,500
file both documents in the material completed
for each transaction for each aircraft. (The limit cost
for buying aviation fuel and lubricants is ,000.) If
the expected cost will be more than ,500, the pilot
DD FORM 1896 OR DD FORM 1897.--The
must request instructions from the commanding
pilot may use the identaplates for buying aviation fuel
official. If the commanding officer approves the total
and lubricants from commercial airports. However, the
cost, the material control or unit supply officer submits
commercial airport must hold an into-plane refueling
a DD Form 1348. The DD Form 1348 should cover the
contract with the Defense Fuel Supply Center (DFSC).
expected cost, and it should be submitted to the nearest
The pilot will present the identaplate to the refueling
activity with contracting authority.
operator for imprinting a DD Form 1898 (sales slip).
After entering the quantity, signature, and other
In processing the Standard Form 44, the pilot is
information, the operator returns the identaplate and a
responsible for the following:
copy of the sales slip to the pilot. The operator retains
Entering the aircraft bureau number and Julian
the original and remaining copies of the sales slip. In
date in the ORDER NUMBER and
some instances, the contractor may insist on using the
vendor's delivery form. In this case, the pilot should
mark the delivery form with "DUPLICATE DD FORM
Requiring the dealer to enter a brief description
1898 ACCOMPLISHED." If the DD Form 1898 is not
of material and services furnished, unit price,
available, the contractors have authorization to use the
and total price and obtaining the name, address,
vendor's delivery form. In this case, the pilot must
and signature of the dealer.
ensure the form contains the aircraft type/model/series
and tail number. Also, it must include the home station
Ensuring separate charges are shown for
and major command of the aircraft. Also, the
officer's lodging and enlisted lodging and
procurement document processed for the transaction is
subsistence. Also, ensuring the names, rates, and
Standard Form 44. Upon return to home station, the
permanent duty stations of enlisted personnel
pilot submits the copy of DD Form 1898 or other
receiving subsistence are entered.
delivery form. The MVO DD Form 1348 for the
The pilot must enter his or her name, rank SSN,
reporting period must include the value of the
and sign the document. Present copies one and