All mission essential equipment that cannot be
standard AIR within T/M/S aircraft of their
installed in a given aircraft or configured for
other missions.
CFA.--The cognizant field activity (CFA) is
responsible for assisting in the maintenance of
The following are items excluded from AIR:
standard AIR within T/M/S aircraft. CFA also provides
Equipment rigidly fixed and considered to be a
NAVAIR with recommended changes to T/M/S MAIR
basic/integral part of the aircraft. Some
based on applicable technical directives or changes.
LOST OR DESTROYED AIR.--In the event an
AIR becomes lost or destroyed, the reporting
Personal issue items that are furnished and
custodian reconstructs the AIR. The reporting
authorized by squadron allowance.
custodian can use a copy of the MAIR provided by
NAVAIR and a physical inventory.
Equipment/material authorized by the IMRL.
Equipment/material that is provided on less than
the AIR is completely used, additional copies of the
a one-per-aircraft basis and is accounted for by
specific forms may be obtained from the proper supply
another material accounting system.
point. Insert the additional forms in the record after
listing the items as shown in the originals. The
ACC/TYCOM controlled material.
sequence, starting with the first subsequent transfer.
Preparation of Air
When the second subsequent transfer has been
recorded on the new forms, you may destroy the
The aircraft manufacturer prepares the AIR and
superseded forms.
delivers them with individual aircraft. A copy of the
AIR for each block or series is forwarded to NAVAIR
Aircraft Transfer and Acceptance
for approval before delivery to the Navy. The proposed
AIR includes the CFE/GFE MESM-related items that
When an aircraft is to be transferred on site,
will be provided following the delivery of aircraft.
designated inventory teams from the transferring and
NAVAIR is responsible for determining the accuracy
accepting activities jointly inventory the aircraft and
and adequacy of the AIR. Also, NAVAIR is responsible
record it in the appropriate column of the AIR
for ensuring the AIR has complete item identification
E q u i p m e n t L i s t , O P NAV Fo r m 4 7 9 0 / 1 1 1 , t h e
and part numbers covered by the contract. The
quantity of each item on board the aircraft at the time
cognizant Army, Navy, Air Force plant representative
of transfer. The AIR Shortages, OPNAV Form
o r D e f e n s e C o n t r a c t A d m i n i s t r a t ive S e r v i c e s
4790/112, is completed to identify shortages of AIR
Representative (DCASR) is responsible for providing
items and mission-essential subsystems matrix
NAVAIR with the proposed AIR. Also, they are
(MESM) related equipment that are not available for
responsible for providing NAVAIR a copy of the AIR
transfer, concurrent with the aircraft.
actually delivered for each aircraft block or series.
When a ferry pilot is required to affect an aircraft
Use and Maintenance of Air
transfer, two inventories are made--one before the
ferry flight by the transferring activity and one on
T h e f o l l ow i n g p a r a g r a p h s d e s c r i b e t h e
completion of transfer by the accepting activity. The
responsibilities of activities in the use and maintenance
of AIR.
except to accept custody of pilferable and classified
equipment from the transferring activity and to
NAVAIR.--NAVAIR is the sole authority for
transfer custody of the items to the accepting activity.
changes and revisions of AIR. Forward recommenda-
AIR items that cannot be placed on the aircraft for
the chain of command. NAVAIR also provides
transfer are shipped separately marked as AIR
assistance, as required, to resolve supply support
Equipment for Aircraft Bureau Number (BUNO). A
problems that cause long-term AIR shortages.
note to indicate such shipments is made in Column E
of the AIR equipment list opposite each affected
ACC/TYCOM.--The ACC/TYCOM provides
assistance required for developing and maintaining