governments, and private parties. For example, assume
that the U.S. Navy had Sailors from an allied
government embarked aboard U.S. Navy ships for
Navy Working Capital Fund
training. The foreign government might deposit funds
17X4912 Navy Industrial Fund
with the Navy to cover pay and allowances for their
17X4888 Naval Working Fund
personnel. The money deposited would go into the
Naval Working Fund and be assigned a deposit
17X6875 Navy Management Fund
allotment number. Disbursing officers aboard the ships
17X8723 Ship's Store Profits, Navy
concerned would receive authorization to pay these
foreign sailors and would be furnished the deposit
a l l o t m e n t n u m b e r t o c h a rg e w h e n m a k i n g t h e
Figure 8-7. --Examples of various fund symbols.
Navy Management Fund
Learning Objective: Recall the functions
This fund is used for the economical and efficient
within Resource Management System to
completion of Navy operations, which are financed by
obtain and control resources to accomplish
two or more appropriations. When the costs of such an
operation cannot be distributed, change immediately
to an appropriation. An example of a charge financed
The resource management system (RMS) is a
by the Navy Management Fund is the shipment of
series of systems designed to promote better
household goods.
management procedures throughout the Department
of Defense (DOD) by providing managers with
W h e n t h e a m o u n t o f m o n ey i n t h e N av y
improved methods of obtaining and controlling
Management Fund is not enough to finance a program
resources required to accomplish the assigned
some Navy organization or when appropriate, other
government departments advance additional funds.
The fund is credited with these advances, and it is
A resource manager is any individual, either
charged with all expenditures required by the program.
m i l i t a r y o r c iv i l i a n , w h o i s a c c o u n t a b l e a n d
All unobligated balances of funds advanced are repaid
responsible for carrying out a significant mission or
later from the Navy Management Fund, as specified in
function and who makes decisions that will have a
contracts for programs financed by the fund.
significant effect on the resources used.
As an SK you have daily contact with some aspect
of the RMS. An understanding of the background,
objectives, and terms used will provide you with a
A trust fund is a fund held in trust by the Navy for
c l e a r e r p i c t u r e o f t h e s y s t e m . T h e f o l l ow i n g
use as specified in a special agreement or Act of
paragraphs contain some RMS financial terms and
Congress. Private parties or sources may provide
information about the background and objectives
money for a special trust for the Navy. For example,
applicable to all activities within the DOD.
public contributions received for the purpose of
constructing and maintaining the USS Arizona
Memorial at Pearl Harbor.
The Ship's Store Profits, Navy is a trust fund for
For a better understanding of the RMS, take a
providing recreation and entertainment for enlisted
look at the following definitions of terms used
throughout the SK community.
personnel. Items sold in the ship's store are purchased
by the NWCF and held in the NSA. When sold, the
Accrual accounting is the method used where
NWCF is reimbursed for their cost, with the profits
operating costs are accounted for in the fiscal
going into the Ship's Store Profits, Navy fund.
(accounting) period during which the costs of
resources consumed or applied are received.
Aviation Operating Forces include aviation
The symbols for the various funds we have
squadrons, units, staffs, and ships supporting aircraft
discussed are shown in figure 8-7.
(for aviation funds only) assigned to the Defense