o f a ny m a t e r i a l r e c e ive d s h o r t o r d a m a g e d .
acceptance for items received directly from a
contractor. The DD Form 250 may be used for
Commercial carriers do not always make scheduled
shipments of material procured by ashore activities on
deliveries. Receiving personnel must be able to react
DD Form 1155. Receiving personnel will review the
quickly to unexpected deliveries. Quick response to
DD Form 250 to determine the type of certification
deliveries will avoid additional charges against the
required. The following paragraphs explain the types
government by commercial carrier. See figure 4-11 for
of certification.
sample GBL.
Acceptance at Destination (Code D)
Block 8 of DD Form 250 will show if acceptance at
destination (code D) was requested by the ordering
The following text describes the action needed for
activity. If block 21B indicates procurement quality
processing material received without paperwork.
assurance (PQA) and acceptance, you should contact a
Dummy Invoice
qualified technician from the ordering department.
The technician will inspect and certify material
Material received without paperwork needs
acceptability in block 21B.
research. Use the information gathered from research
The receiving personnel will certify the quantity
to prepare a dummy document and process the receipt.
received in block 22. For quantity discrepancies, line
Personnel in the receiving area perform the research
out the quantity in column 17, enter and circle the
and prepare a dummy receipt on a DD Form 1348-1
quantity received. For material received in damaged
(see figure 4-12) or DD Form 1149. The research
condition, line out quantity and enter and circle
includes checking the requisition outstanding file by
quantity received in good condition. Write an
using available information from the material. The
explanation of the differences directly below the
information needed are source of supply, stock or part
adjusted quantity, as shown in figure 4-9. After block
number, item description, document number, fund
21A has been completed for PQA at origin, receiving
code, and location (if for stock). When this information
personnel then certify the quantity received in block
is known, enter the quantity, date, and receipt signature
on the dummy receipt. You can then process the
dummy paperwork as a receipt. Keep dummy receipts
Acceptance at Source
in a separate stock control history file.
When block 8 shows Acceptance code S or O
Receipt Of Original Documentation
(source or other) and block 21A was completed for
PQA and acceptance, receiving personnel need only to
There will be occasions when you will receive the
certify the quantity received in block 22. Figure 4-10 is
original shipment paperwork after the material and
a sample DD Form 250 accepted at source.
dummy invoice are processed. In these case, compare
t h e o r i g i n a l p a p e r w o r k a n d d u m m y i nvo i c e
Process receipts for material received on a DD
information. If differences exist, correct or adjust
Form 250 as soon as possible to fulfill the discount
posted records as appropriate. Attach the original
terms shown in block 5. This type of material is
shipment paperwork with the dummy invoice in the
normally expensive. Quick processing of receipt can
material completed file.
result in a reduced cost to the government.
Material received by an activity will be either for
You may use U.S. Government Bill of Lading
stock or DTO. You can determine where to send the
(GBL) (Standard Form 1103) to give delivery
material by the serial on the document number or by
instructions to a commercial carrier. To provide receipt
the supplementary address on shipping document. The
documentation to the ordering activity, use Standard
supplementary address field of the DD Form 1348-1
Form 1103B. Shore activities often divert commercial
normally contains the storeroom location for stock
deliveries directly to ships in the area to cut the need for
items. It also may have the work center or phone
double handling of material. In such cases, it is the
extension number for DTO items.
ship's responsibility to tell the ashore support activity