The term procurement means an act of getting
material or services from supply sources. In the Navy,
Marine Corps Equipment Items, and those materials
procurement is a big undertaking. Think for a moment
automatically furnished to ships.
about the size of the Navy and the amount of material it
Supply officers procure replenishment material for
needs to keep working.
supply department stocks on their own initiative. They
T h e N av y 's p r o c u r e m e n t p r o c e s s i nvo l ve s
also procure supplies for other departments when they
customers, support activities, and suppliers. The
are within the ship's allowance. When procuring
customers prepare requisitions and submit the
technical materials, supply officers consult with other
completed forms to the supporting supply activity.
department heads to ensure that the materials meet
Upon receipt of the requisition, the supporting supply
desired specifications.
activity checks the form for complete and correct
Many materials, equipment, and supplies used
information. When requested material is available, the
aboard ship are not stocked in supply storerooms but
supply activity processes the requisition for issue. If
material is not available, the supply activity refers the
are ordered to meet a specific requirement of one of the
requisition to the item manager or supporting stock
ship's departments. This material is ordered for "direct
points for issue. The suppliers of material can be a
turnover" (DTO) to the requestor when received.
military or civilian organization. Material and services
received from civilian vendors are those not available
and Marine Corps Equipment Items is responsibility of
in the Navy's supply system.
other departments. Some material will be received
The supply department processes procurement
aboard ship without any procurement action by the
requests to satisfy the customer's needs or to restock
supply department. These materials are usually new
supplies. The procedures and forms used in
items of equipment or equipage that are automatically
procurement may vary from activity to activity. The
furnished to ships as replacements for obsolete items.
variations of the forms used depend on the local
While procurement is the responsibility of the
procedures set by the activity. Mostly, the basic
procedures are the same for all activities. This chapter
supply officer, the actual job of preparing documents
will help you learn the procedures of getting the
will normally be assigned to SKs, you maybe assigned
needed material to support your activity. Also, you will
to perform one or more specific tasks relating to
learn how to get and maintain the status of outstanding
procurement. The supply officer will rely on you to
requisitions and perform material obligation
perform your job properly.
validations (MOVs).
You will play an important role in the procurement
of material for your ship. You must know what
There are two basic methods by which an activity
material is authorized, where it is obtained, the forms
may obtain the material or services it requires. They
used in procurement, and how to prepare them.
are the requisitioning and purchase methods.
This chapter presents the general responsibility for
Submitting a requisition to the supporting supply
procurement and the methods normally used afloat.
activity for material with a stock number does the
requisitioning method. There are times, however,
when the customer needs an item that does not have a
Learning Objective: Determine material
stock number. To get the item, the customer still
requirements process factors for procuring
submits a requisition through the normal supply
equipment and supplies.
channel. The stock point usually sends the requisition
to a contracting office that buys goods and services
Supply officers are responsible for procuring all
from commercial sources. The contracting office uses
equipment and supplies used by the ship. This does not