considered as supply documents and should be
command for management of available resources.
Figure 8-14 shows the flow of accounting data.
prepared according to the NAVSO P-3013-2. Each of
the nine data fields of a complete line of accounting
requires a specific number of data elements to
complete its data field. When a data field does not
A fund code is cited on all requisitions to identify
contain sufficient digits to completely fill the data
the chargeable operating budget and expense element.
field, zeros are entered preceding the first significant
The accounting data is entered on each purchase
digit to complete the field. When a data field is not
document and on all other supply documents that
required, zeros are entered to completely fill the data
require a complete field of accounting data. Travel
field. Country codes are NOT considered as one of the
orders, work requests, and project orders are not
Figure 8-14. --Typical flow of accounting data.